She goes to bed around 8-9pm and wakes up at 2am and 6am to eat. She gets up for the day around 7-8am, unless Nate wakes her up. The other day he climbed in her crib and woke her up. I guess he was sick of playing by himself. :)
She loves table food and will eat every chance she gets. She's still not a big fan of fruits though. She has stood a few times on her own for a few seconds each time. We're introducing more foods all the time, which she likes because then she's eating the same thing we are. There are times I can't eat in front of her because then she won't eat her jar food.
She is becoming much more vocal. She has said "gaga", "rara", and "dada". No "mama" yet though. And she was babbling those words for a couple days straight and has gone back to her favorite pass time of just blowing raspberries. She is getting loud too. She screams a lot. And loud. It's a happy scream but it is loud! :)