Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Trip to King's Island

So the trip to King's Island on Thursday was exhausting but so much fun! We took the bike so we headed out early (7am) because we were taking a few back roads at first and didn't know how long it would take. Plus, Michael was determined to get every cents worth, and had to be there by the time the gate opened. We were. In fact, 45 minutes before the gate opened. But that's okay. It gave us time to get ready and put our stuff in a locker. We went on the new ride first (I don't know the name but it's the one where you're on your back). All of the picture rides are hilarious; me screaming like I'm going to die and Michael sitting all relaxed with a smile. We went on all the rides except the twirly ones that would make me puke. We even went on Son of Beast which I said I would never go on again but I did. They were having specials on the optional rides that cost extra money. Normally they're $25 a person but they were only $5 and $10 per person so we had to do them. The first one we were put in a harness and then pulled back and really high up on a cord. Then we released the cord and did a free fall until the cord caught us. It was a combination of a sky dive and hang gliding. By far, one of the scariest and most exhilarating things there, and now my favorite ride at the park. The other ride, we were put in this ball thing and shot in the air, higher than anything in the park. That one was fun but hurt my head a little. When the cords catch the ball, it twirls the ball some. Michael is the theme park enthusiast. He could ride every ride there as many times as he could, one after the other, and even right after eating. I, on the hand, need a little break, especially after eating. I like the rides, but I'm more prone to getting sick or hurting afterwards. It's hard for me to keep up with him. My (2nd) favorite ride there is the Scooby Doo ride in the kiddy part. So, even though he wanted to stay until close, we left at 9pm. I couldn't go on one more ride. By the time we left the sun was going down, so the ride home was a little chilly, but not the coldest ride we've ridden. We had a lot of fun and got a little sun and all in all it was a great day.

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