Sunday, November 30, 2008


Ahh, Thanksgiving. I love it. The holiday that starts the holiday season and so far, it's a good beginning. We went to Michael's aunt's house this year. It worked out very well. I always enjoy these times. We don't see all of Michael's family very often and so it's a good time to get together for a visit. Dinner was delicious and we stayed for awhile afterwards talking and playing with Michael's cousin's dogs. They're so darn cute together (it's made us want a little guy for Sammy). This long weekend has been a relaxing weekend. We put up the tree last night. I love having the tree up. I want to put the rest of the decorations up but I have to do some schoolwork that I've been putting off....although I'm sure I'll try and cram everything in today. It's raining outside. Definitely not the weather I'm used to for the holidays. I wanted a fire this weekend but it was too warm. Michael even wanted to take the bike out. I'll just cross my fingers and hope for snow for Christmas.

In BIG news, Jeremy came home on Thanksgiving day! I am so happy. Jaime and Lucas were able to visit him for about an hour when he came in that evening. He's at Atterbury now going through the demobilizing process, which should be done by Tuesday. Hopefully we'll get up there today to see him, the last couple of days have been busy for him there and so we haven't gotten the chance. It's just good to know he's safe and on U.S. soil.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Vet Visit #2

The medicine and prescription food seemed to be doing the trick. Well, that was until yesterday when I woke up to find more vomit in the upstairs hallway. Sammy had been back on her regular dog food for about a day and I thought that might be the reason for this. So I boiled up some chicken and rice for her breakfast, but she threw that up that afternoon. I called the vet's office and they said I better bring her back in.

Now, it's not that I mind (minus the cost of course) but Sammy, minds...a lot. It's really not that pleasant for her. Right away in the waiting room she is greeted by pleasant dogs, to none of which she takes a liking to. Sometimes she barks, growls, shakes; well usually all of the above. If you thought Sammy sheds a lot before, you should see her at the vet's office. My coat is covered, the examining table is covered, there are little Sammy hairs floating all around. Today, the vet wanted to take x-rays, just to make sure she didn't eat something she wasn't supposed to. They took her back and I could hear her crying and her nails scratching at the table. Well, when the assistants called the vet into the room, I knew it couldn't be good. I heard more crying, some commotion, and then the x-rays appeared on the computer screen. I later found out that Sammy bit the doctor and sprayed her anal sac. Now, imagine my embarrassment, my dog just sprayed poop on these poor people. I checked this out online and found that wild (yes, wild) animals will empty these sacs as a defense mechanism (this is what skunks do). The article went on to say that domestic animals have largely lost their ability to empty their sacs voluntarily. Well, not Sammy I guess. Disgusting, right? Well, guess where she sits on the drive home? Yeah, gross. The x-rays turned up with nothing, except a steeper bill, and so we left with some more medicine (the vet is saying that it is probably still pancreatitis and sometimes it takes a month to fully heal), a wiped butt, and a little less dignity. Ah, what we go through for our animals.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Sick Puppy

Poor Sammers is sick. Although you wouldn't really know it from the way she's been acting, eating and playing just like normal...just now she's added puking to the list of daily activities. It started on Halloween night. I thought a trick or treater might have given her a piece of candy or something through the fence. But she's been continuing to throw up here and there (and usually on the carpet) through the week and then on Sunday and Monday she couldn't seem to keep anything down--not even a little biscuit. We took her in to see the vet yesterday. There didn't seem to be any reason she should be sick. She had some tenderness in her abdomen and he asked about how she handled Halloween. She was a mess that night! The pieces started fitting together. The doctor felt as though it might be pancreatitis but he wanted to do some blood work to rule out her liver or kidneys. The blood work came back this morning and he told me that he's diagnosing her with pancreatitis, but that her liver/kidneys are fine. I guess that's one of those "could have been better, could have been worse" kinda deals.

So she's on two different pills, one for the vomiting and one is an antibiotic. I think the medicine makes her sleepy but it's hard to tell, she usually sleeps a lot anyway. She's also on prescription dog food for the rest of the week. She only gets a half a can twice a day. It's not a lot and she acts so hungry it's hard not to give her more. Plus she lost 3lbs this past week. It's supposed to fix itself, it just needs some rest. I read about it online and it looks like it's more common in schnauzers and so that might be a factor as well. My poor baby. I'll let her rest week and then starting next Monday she's looking for a job--she's got a nice little vet bill to pay!

Monday, November 10, 2008

A Fun-Filled Weekend

I decided to go down and spend a little time with Jaime on Saturday. Lucas was going to get his haircut with Mary Jo and so we'd have some time to scrapbook. Well, I left a little later than I wanted to and so by the time I got down there, it wasn't long before little Lucas got home. But it worked out. He wanted to watch a movie so we scrapbooked while he watched Cars (his favorite and one he could watch over and over and over). We were actually more productive than we ever have been I think. We only have a few more pages to go and her pregnancy book will be done...and then the start of Lucas' book!

I left her house a little later than I had wanted, hmm, a trend that day I think. Michael and I were having girls night out/guys night out Saturday night. It was the first time in, well I think ever that we have done that. He was already gone by the time I got home and Charlee was pulling in as I was walking in the door. I got ready pretty quickly and then we headed up to Jill's. We had a pretty good time. We went out to eat and then played darts at a few different places. We ended up back at Jill's and drank coffee and ate muffins and talked until almost 6am, again later than I had anticipated. It was so much fun and much needed.

The really bad part about staying up until 6am and only getting a few hours of sleep? It makes for a really long day at drill the next day. I swear last night was the longest night I've ever had. The clock slowly ticked by and once I looked at it and I thought I was there for several hours and only 2 hours had gone by. The phone was extremely busy too. The Brigade is starting to come home and so their replacements are coming in. I think they have more time on their hands now. Plus, the closer to home it gets the harder it gets so those calls are probably keeping a little sanity.

And on a side note, Lucas is starting to read letters! Jaime called me all "freaked out" because he read a letter (I) on her shirt. I thought something horrible had happened when she called. But afterwards she had asked him about other letters and he could name quite a few. I don't remember which ones but if she updates her blog (eh hm) then she can let you know. He's such an incredibly smart, cute little kid. I miss him a lot after the days I get to spend a little time with him.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New President Elected

I went to bed last night before the election was final (which is a side note in itself in regards to how much sleep I've been needing!) and so I didn't find out who won until this morning. Barack Obama! Whether you like him or not, it's incredible to be alive during this time and as history is happening. Although hopefully someday, it will not be a matter of race or gender, but just that a new president is elected. I'm excited to see what changes will take place over the next four years. Michael and I voted (and got our fancy stickers) yesterday morning. It was the first time either of us have voted in the polls. Last time we were in Afghanistan and filled out an absentee ballot. I didn't vote the time before that (and Michael wasn't old enough :) ). I was very excited! I had to have the guy tell me how to work the fancy machine but I didn't care. I pushed my buttons and just like that, I took part in one of American citizen's greatest rights, voting.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Quick Update

I passed my PT test! I am done with my enlistment this summer so it was the last time I will ever have to take a PT test again! I couldn't have asked for better weather (especially in November). I was also able to eat in the chow hall with Michael because he's drilling at Camp Atterbury, so it was nice to be able to see him for a bit during drill. It's been awhile since we've been in the same unit and able to see each other on drill weekends.

After I got home, Hallie came over for a surprise visit. We chatted awhile until Michael came home. We ate some dinner and went to the store for a few odds and ends. We also stopped at Goodwill and I got a few more books for my future classroom library.

After Hallie left, we watched a movie and went to bed. I don't know what it is about drill weekends, but they always leave me exhausted at the end of the day. Now to start another week!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is It Really November?

I just came in from washing the car in my t-shirt and shorts. It's 72 degrees outside! It was cooler last week and I'm sure it will cool down again sometime next week (or maybe the week after!), but I'll enjoy it for now. It's funny to be outside in this kind of heat with fall leaves everywhere. Michael has drill this weekend, his first in his new unit. He won't be in Gary, he's actually going to be drilling up in Edinburgh now, so he won't have that long drive every month. I have drill this Sunday (split weekends so I'll be drilling next Sunday too) to take PT test #2. I've been working on it so hopefully I do better than last month--and hopefully it will be my last.

We ran out of candy about 7:30 last night. Not too bad, about 30 minutes before the end of trick or treating. It's a good thing I stopped at the store on the way home from work to grab an extra bag. The almost constant flow of people at the door and passing by drives Sammy nuts. She's very protective to begin with, so she hates almost everyone that comes to the door, and then add costumes to the mix and she is crazy dog. I put up the gate and she jumped over it. So I raised it up a bit and somehow she squeezed her body underneath. Determination I tell you. So I was on candy duty and Michael was on Sammy duty. Once we had a system, it went fine. I really think Sammy is good practice for children. Like most kids that have too many sweets on Halloween, Sammy threw up. Although I still don't know why. Maybe someone fed something to her outside. She threw up and then went and ate dinner. I'll never understand her completely. But she sure was cute last night with her little Halloween scarf and hat!

The start of November also means that I only have a little over a month left in the semester. I don't know how time goes by so quickly or how I manage to get anything done. Michael's class this semester has a heavy load too, so inbetween my work I've been trying to work with him on his work. I thought things would start to slow down in November but it's not looking good. Somehow, it will all work out, it always does.