Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Sick Puppy

Poor Sammers is sick. Although you wouldn't really know it from the way she's been acting, eating and playing just like normal...just now she's added puking to the list of daily activities. It started on Halloween night. I thought a trick or treater might have given her a piece of candy or something through the fence. But she's been continuing to throw up here and there (and usually on the carpet) through the week and then on Sunday and Monday she couldn't seem to keep anything down--not even a little biscuit. We took her in to see the vet yesterday. There didn't seem to be any reason she should be sick. She had some tenderness in her abdomen and he asked about how she handled Halloween. She was a mess that night! The pieces started fitting together. The doctor felt as though it might be pancreatitis but he wanted to do some blood work to rule out her liver or kidneys. The blood work came back this morning and he told me that he's diagnosing her with pancreatitis, but that her liver/kidneys are fine. I guess that's one of those "could have been better, could have been worse" kinda deals.

So she's on two different pills, one for the vomiting and one is an antibiotic. I think the medicine makes her sleepy but it's hard to tell, she usually sleeps a lot anyway. She's also on prescription dog food for the rest of the week. She only gets a half a can twice a day. It's not a lot and she acts so hungry it's hard not to give her more. Plus she lost 3lbs this past week. It's supposed to fix itself, it just needs some rest. I read about it online and it looks like it's more common in schnauzers and so that might be a factor as well. My poor baby. I'll let her rest week and then starting next Monday she's looking for a job--she's got a nice little vet bill to pay!

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