Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lots o' Laughs

I'm finally starting to really feel better. It's amazing. I never thought it'd happen. I finished out the rest of the week at school, which went fine. I love the kids and they're so good which makes it extremely easy.

It was a nice weekend as well. Not weather-wise, it rained all weekend and was really cold today, but we were able to spend some quality time together. We did some shopping. We actually did quite a bit of shopping. We went shopping Friday night after dinner, again on Saturday afternoon, and then spent most of the day today shopping. Most of it was window shopping, and we didn't buy a bunch of stuff. Sometimes we like to just walk around and browse. We did pick up a video camera. I'm very excited about it. It's so small. It will be very nice to have to capture all the memories while Michael is gone. This way I will be able to send him discs while he is there so he doesn't feel like he's missing too much.

On Saturday night we went to Longhorn's for steak dinner. Mmm, I absolutely love that place. It is the only place I will devour a steak. Probably the only place I'll even order one! It was excellent. We even got dessert afterwards, which we rarely do. I guess we were just feeling festive. We didn't finish all the dessert and we had to box the rest. After dinner we went up to Indy to go to a comedy show, Ron White. It was hilarious. It was amazing to see him in person and he put on an excellent show. We were in the balcony, but we were dead center and the seating allows for a good view, even up high. It was a really fun Saturday night.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Still Sick

I feel like I have been sick forever and will continue to be sick forever. I was sick with a fever and all the same symptoms through most of last week. Around Thursday I started feeling a little better. I thought for sure I was on my way to recovery. I went to school and made my copies and my plans together for the following week. I cleaned up the house. I was sure I was going to get better. Well, by Friday night and into Saturday I was not feeling well. This time it was getting worse. The pressure had built up so badly in my sinuses that I wanted rip out my eyeballs. I was absolutely miserable. I am so thankful Michael was home to take care of me. He has been doing everything around the house, all the dishes and laundry and cooking, as well as taking care of me and the dogs. I don't know if I would have made it through all this without him. I can't remember the last time I have been this miserable. He finally took me in to the doctor again and they gave me some antibiotics. I'm starting to feel a little better today. I plan on returning to school tomorrow. I feel so bad about missing. At least my plans are done for the week and I can just go in and teach without a lot of prepping. I just hope I will be able to get through the day. I cannot wait to feel like my old self. This has really just taken a lot out of me. Jaime and Jeremy came up on Saturday because I thought I was feeling better. I felt horrible, I was not good company and I couldn't even enjoy the time with them. It really frustrates me because I don't get to see Lucas that often and I couldn't really play with him. Hopefully I will sleep better tonight and wake up feeling a lot better than I have.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sick As a Dog

I took my state licensing exam on Saturday. I'll find out the results in about four weeks. There were two parts, both of which were very difficult, so I'm not sure how I did. Each test lasted 2 hours. It was a long testing process. I drove down to IU with a friend. Neither of us could eat breakfast, chocking it up to nerves. After the test we went to Cheeseburger in Paradise and I could only eat about half of my burger. I knew something must be wrong. My throat had started hurting during the tests and while driving home I started getting really warm. My friend felt my forehead and said I felt clammy. This was not good. By the time I got home I felt horrible. I took care of the dogs and then put up the gate to the upstairs. I figured I would let them have a free run of the downstairs. I was so sick I didn't care if they tore something up or if Benny made his messes in the house. I fell asleep with the dogs lying on me on the couch. I woke up a couple hours later to Benny jumping off the back of the couch, in attempt to jump onto the kitchen table where there were some treats. He's crazy. I looked around the house and nothing was tore up and no messes anywhere. I was so pleased. The last two days I have spent the majority of time on the couch. My fever spiked up to 102.4 yesterday so I decided to go into the doctor today. I thought for sure that I had strep throat because my throat hurts so badly. I don't. I just have the flu and an upper respiratory infection. I'm feeling quite a bit better today. I now have a horrible cough that has just sprung up that is so harsh it's to the point of gagging me. Quite pleasant if I do say so myself. But my fever is down and I have a bit more energy. I plan on getting some things done around the house and doing some school plans, but nothing too much. Just taking it easy. Of course I had to get sick the week of spring break and when the weather is so beautiful. Oh well, I guess better now than having to miss school.

The dogs are doing well. Benjamin hasn't had an accident in the house in a few days, which is good considering I've been sick and haven't been taking him out as often as I was. I think he's getting the idea of potty training but he still hates to go outside if I don't go out with him. So he'll never tell me he needs to. I'm hoping eventually it will all fall into place. They're very cute together. They share the front chair for their naps. They love to play together (although Sammy gets a little wound up). I'm really enjoying having two dogs in the house. Dogs make a home a happy home and now our happiness is doubled!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Time to Breathe?

It's officially the start of Spring Break. And it couldn't have come at a better time! We did plan on getting Benny around Spring Break so that I would have time with him and to work on all the "puppy" stuff. These few days since he's been home have been non-stop. It will be so good to have some time off from school to be home with the dogs. Not that I won't have anything to do. I brought about 15 pounds of textbooks home so that I could set up my lesson plans for when we go back. And the house is in a dire need of some Spring cleaning. So that combined with the dogs will keep me plenty busy.

So far Sammy and Benny are getting along well. They chase each other all over and wrestle. They also love to steal each other's bones and chew toys. Not that there's not a million to choose from, they just want the one that the other has. So one will sit and watch until the second there's an opening and then run over and take it and this cycle just continues on and on. There's been a few dominance scuffles. I let them work it out on their own. The jealousy, however, I correct. Sammy seems to be fine when I pet Benny, but if she is on my lap and he comes up for attention it freaks her out. She also seems to be territorial of her bed. She doesn't like him even acting like he's going to jump up on it, not that he could anyway. She doesn't hesitate to lie in his bed though. They do share the front room chair that has been Sammy's designated chair, so I thought that was nice of her.

Some parts have been getting easier and some still seem to be a struggle. The first night I couldn't leave them alone, I was just too nervous, not knowing how Sammy was going to react to him. It was not fun standing out in the cold watching over them. Now I can let them run outside and I don't really worry about them. They get rough but nothing that neither of them invites. The potty training is getting slowly better. Benny slept through the night the first two nights. It was amazing. And no mess in his crate in the morning. Last night, however, I was not so lucky. This is when it gets tricky having two dogs. I get up to take Benny out but Sammy has to come out too, but then all they want to do is play. So the next time I get up I leave Sammy inside but then they're just crying through the door at each other. I also need to figure out a way to make Benny do his business first. When Sammy was a puppy I would take her outside on a leash. She couldn't run and play until she did her business. I tried putting Benny on a leash last night but then Sammy keeps jumping all over him. It's going to have to be a lot of separating between the yard and the house until he gets this potty training thing down. He is getting better. The first day home I would take him outside, he would pee and then come inside and pee not even a minute later, literally. He did really well yesterday, not going once in the house. But then this morning while I was in the bathroom he decided to do his business in the living room. The food is another issue. He wants so badly to eat her food. So I have to keep her outside to eat while I bring him inside to eat. Won't it be nice in 9 months when they can eat the same food? So there have been some struggles with have a puppy, as to be expected.

They are funny to watch when they play. And he's just so cute! I forget all the things he doesn't understand or know, like the sounds of the ice machine or blow dryer. He's a little skittish, but I think he'll learn and get used to everything. I have to remember it's only his first week home. The first day we brought Sammy home she sat in the kitchen and cried for the longest time.

I took them for their first walk together today. What a mess! They kept changing sides and I had to keep crossing the leads over each other so they wouldn't get all tangled up. Benny still doesn't understand how to come back around a mailbox or pole so I have to drag him back around. I might need to take the dogs on some solo walks once in awhile so that Benny can learn how to walk on a leash.

It will be nice when Michael comes home so that he can help with some of this. It's a little overwhelming to have a new puppy and student teaching and no Michael to alleviate some of the responsibility even for a minute. My goal is to have Benny potty trained by the end of next week (ha ha) or at least before Michael starts mob'ing. That in itself will help tremendously.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Benny's Home

Okay, I really don't have time to be on here, but as promised, I had to show a picture of the new puppy. I brought him home tonight and they've been going at it ever since. I think Sammy is starting to show signs of fatigue but Benny is not letting up. I need to work on a project for school, among other things, but watching them is much more interesting! (plus we're in the potty training stages and the accidents seem to happen the second I take my eyes off of him) So I better end this quickly and get back to them. They're both having a ball and I think they're both content; Sammy has someone to play with and Benny has a home.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A New Brother for Sammy

A dog, that is. When I left a message on Jaime's phone letting her know that there's going to be a new addition to the family she thought it was something else! Nope, not that, just a dog. But we are super excited. Good ol' came through for us again. After searching for a couple of weeks and not finding anything, I was becoming a bit discouraged. Once I get the idea in my head then I want it. I'll make the long story short. We found him online on Sunday, went to see him on Tuesday, introduced Sammy to him on Thursday, and will be picking him up sometime this week (we're getting him from the humane society). I was concerned as to how Sammy would react to him but it all worked out fine. They are really cute together. His name is Benjamin, he's a shepherd mix, and about 10 weeks old. I don't know if I'm really ready for the puppy stuff again, but it will keep me busy and that's what I need.

Michael left very early Friday morning for a 2-week leadership course in Pennsylvania. He has been gone for that long before (even longer once!) but this time is a little harder because I know it's the start of all of the mobilization and the deployment. He starts his mobilization mid-April so that gives us a few weeks after he comes back. I know it is going to fly by and before I know it he will be gone again. We are trying to stay as positive as we can...he can't come home for good until we get this thing started. That's what I keep reminding myself.

I am officially done with my first student teaching placement. They threw my a surprise party with chocolate cookie cake and punch. They made me a big banner and got me a canvas toted and signed it. It was so sweet. I have enjoyed working with them so much. I will miss them, even if I will just be down the hall. So, now I am moving into a 3rd grade general education classroom. It will be much different but I am looking forward to the experience. The kids are so great in there, I know I will have such a good time with them.

The weather has been so nice the past few days. I had drill this weekend so I haven't really been able to enjoy it too much. I did notice some flowers already sprouting up in the front beds when I got home. What a good sight! I am ready for Spring.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Our Weekend Retreat

Michael and I went to Spring Mill (a state park and inn) on Friday for a couple's retreat. It was hosted by the church that we were married in. We love the church and have yet to find one up here that compares. Jaime and Jeremy were the ones that told us about the retreat and they went as well. I've never been to Spring Mill before but Michael has been there numerous times with his family while growing up. It's beautiful and I'm sure in the Fall or Summer it's even better. I just love nature. The retreat was wonderful and we learned so much. We feel that we have a very strong foundation in our marriage but there can always be something to learn. It was a lot about looking at yourself as opposed to trying to change the other person. After the last session (and some delicious cake) on Saturday afternoon the four of us took a little hike down to one of the caves. It was so cold but so neat. We climbed inside the cave and luckily Jeremy's preparedness finally came in handy as he had a flashlight so we could see where we were going. Caves are so fascinating and I was so interested in my surroundings that I completely forgot about the fact that caves are also a favorite place of bats. Eek! After that I needed to leave.

Sammy stayed at a boarding kennel for the night. It was the first time we used a kennel but since Jeremy and Jaime were gone too, she couldn't stay at her normal "hotel". When I dropped her off Friday evening she cried and I literally had to drag her into the building. She was so nervous she peed on the area rug. I felt so bad. I walked her down to her kennel and set up her blankie and set her headless monkey in there. I had to hold her back while I shut the door. It was so hard. When we picked her up Saturday and she was so happy to see us; she couldn't stop crying. The lady said she was so good.

We went to Michael's parents Saturday night for a visit. We've been trying to get together with them for the last two weekends and something is always preventing us from visiting. So we went down there. It was so good to see them and we had a really good visit. We had dinner and talked most of the night.

This week started ISTEP (state testing) at school. It's making for long days and I won't go into the details (or the ranting or how much I hate these tests). After this week I switch to my second placement. I'll be sad to leave my kids but I'm excited to start the new placement. We are also continuing our hunt for another dog this week. We looked at the humane society while we were in Bedford but there was nothing there that really struck us. We are going to look some more this week as we really want to find Sammy a playmate before Michael leaves.