Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cleaning Up the House

Whew, I'm exhausted! Not that I've been going non-stop, but I feel as though I've accomplished quite a bit this week. I thought this summer would be a good time to start cleaning up the house. Not just cleaning, but organizing, getting rid of junk, and just getting things in order. My big goal was one of the back bedrooms upstairs. It has been a dumping ground for all of the things that didn't have a home. Well, while cleaning that room, it turned into all these other little projects around the house. I would find some papers there that needed to be filed and I would end up cleaning out a few of the files in the cabinet, which would then turn into another project of shredding all the papers and then taking them off to be recycled. And the pattern would continue on like that. I'm proud to say I have the bedroom all cleaned out and Lucas' little bed and box of toys moved in there. I figure that will be the new play room. I've also hung all of the frames that needed to be hung in the guest bedroom. We've lived here for over 2 years and they've been sitting on top of the dresser in there patiently waiting. I love going in there now and looking at the walls, feels more like home now. On top of all that I've gone through and organized little parts of the unseen house, like drawers and cupboards, here and there. I still feel like I have a lot to do, but I'll conquer it each room at a time. It's taken me a lot longer than normal to do this as I cannot carry loads all at once and I'm trying to listen to my body and rest occasionally.

Now is that time. I feel tired and worn out. So I rest. There's not much on t.v. and a storm is moving in so I don't want to go out and get a movie. This is the time that stinks, when I stop and realize it's just me and the dogs. Weekends are worse for some reason, not that the days really matter because they're all the same, but I guess it's just because everyone's home and I feel like Michael should be home too. We haven't talked much since he got to Wisconsin. He called to let me know he was there and that was about it. I miss him a lot and I can't help but to think about doing this for a year. Here's to having time pass by quickly.

Monday, May 25, 2009

14 Weeks

Well, I'm officially in the second trimester! Baby is 3 1/2 inches long (about the size of a lemon) and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces. Baby can now frown, squint, and pee-probably all at once! Baby can grasp and even possibly suck its thumb! Amazing when you think about how big baby really is. Baby's, which is now affectionately referred to as Nutter Butter (the size of the baby last week), organs are continuing to develop and the body is becoming more in proportion, the head is now just a third the size of the body and the arms are lengthening.

I'm still feeling okay, yet I'm still throwing up every week to 10 days. It's coming without the nausea though so it's much, much better. It will just come out of nowhere and there's no holding back, trust me, I try. But I can deal with it. I continue to have heartburn but not quite as bad as before. I actually ate Mexican today and this time did not need to eat any Tums for dessert. I've been getting a few headaches, but I'm not sure if they're those pregnancy headaches I hear about or just from the heat. I'm going to up my fluid intake to see if that helps. Other than that, I am starting to get some energy. My belly is growing, which I love, and I am living in sweatpants and gym shorts, courtesy of Michael. I'm not quite big enough for maternity and will live in these clothes until I can upgrade. I cannot wait to feel the baby and often I lay down real still and just to see if I can feel anything. I hope I will know it's little Nutter and not just gas when the time comes.

Leaving for Ft. McCoy

Michael is leaving for the second part of the deployment, his mobilization training at Ft. McCoy, WI. This first month was pre-mobilization training, a sort of preview of what's to come. I dropped him off at the unit tonight. It was a difficult good-bye and I write this almost not as myself so I don't get too emotional. Although it will not be the last time I see him before he flies over, as he gets one more pass at the end of June.

His pass this weekend was a little bit longer than the other ones, which was nice, but we also tried to fit a lot more into it. There was a departure ceremony at East High School Thursday afternoon and then they were released. That evening we went on a really long bike ride through Columbus. I must say that is one thing I really enjoy about this city. We biked from the campus (which is close to our house) all the way through town to the lower side of the city and back. The trails are really nice and they have little benches along the way, which we utilized. Biking while pregnant is not the easiest, but the exercise is good for me. Jaime, Jeremy, and Lucas came up on Friday night for a cookout. It was nice to see them and much easier than taking Lucas to a restaurant, so I think it worked out well (although I completely forgot to cook the beans and I'm still upset about it!). After dinner we ran up to Dairy Queen for some ice cream. We sat outside on the picnic bench and it felt wonderful to be eating ice cream outside, summer is finally here. They left Zeus here for the weekend because they went to TN to visit family so Sammy was ecstatic to have her playmate here. She has been outside since (unless he has been in here). Benny could care less and prefers his place on the couch no matter who is here. On Saturday we went down to see Michael's parents. His dad is getting the pool ready and I think it will be a perfect spot to relax when I go down there to visit this summer. We also went to his niece's pre-school graduation while we were down there. It was so cute. They had little robes and hats and sang little songs. Absolutely adorable! The rest of the weekend was just spent doing whatever; going out to eat, watching t.v., walking the dogs, going to the movies, whatever we felt like. We slept in and cuddled often.

All in all, the good-byes with all the family this weekend went okay. It was the one thing Michael was dreading. He hates saying good-bye and it's hard for him when people are upset. But it really went okay. I was the biggest baby of them all. I tried to keep it in and be strong, but once I started that was it. The first night is always the hardest and house always feel so empty when I come home after dropping him off. But I know I have good support around me and I'll be just fine.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dr. Visit

I had another doctor's appointment today. This was the wonderful pelvic exam, eh, I guess that's all part of it. But the best part is hearing the baby's heartbeat. I just love it. It's a wonderful sound! They also measured my belly fat, er belly too. Everything was fine. All tests from the first visit came back okay. I've been having some shortness of breath and my heart has been racing from doing almost nothing, like simply walking up the stairs or even sometimes just going from room to room. I asked the doc about it and he said it was not a problem, normal really. The resting heart rate is increased in pregnant women. He said my heart sounded fine. Okay, I really don't know my body anymore. It's no longer my body! I guess I'll share it, it's worth it. So with no worries I'm going to begin walking. It's been many weeks am I? Considering I've been sick since forever and I haven't done much of anything physical, this might be difficult. But now that the weather is beautiful and I'm healthy, there are no excuses!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another Pass

Michael came home again on pass this weekend. I get this anxious feeling close to the 2-week mark, which I usually get a little more stressed and more sad. I am used to the 2-week schools and training he does and so it's been nice that he's been getting a pass every couple of weeks. The weekend is just not long enough before he has to return. It will be hard when it won't be home every 2 weeks. But the weekend went well. He was released on Friday evening so we went to visit his parents. The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing in the house, watching t.v. and playing games; just enjoying having each other for the time. Sundays are always difficult for me, I hate saying good-bye and dropping him off and coming home without him. But this time I only have to say good-bye for a few days. He goes back on pass on Thursday, this time for a 4-day pass. It will be his last before being sent up to Ft. McCoy, WI. So while it was hard, and I'm putting off going to sleep in that big empty bed, it's only a few days.

To end, the dogs enjoyed having their daddy home. Of course Sammy cried when he walked in the door. For those of you that don't know her, she literally cries out loud. It's horrible and strange. But then again, she also talks back. The bed was slightly more crowded than usual, Benny was unsure where to lie and at one point I woke up to him lying across my pillow. But I think we can all agree, that it was wonderful to have the bed so full.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm Officially Done

My last day of student teaching was yesterday. It was slightly difficult to go back after graduation, but I was excited to be able to see the kids again. My teacher bought me some "teacher" gifts and had a beautiful vase of roses on my desk waiting for me. Some of the kids gave me gifts and they made little cards. In the afternoon we had some punch and cupcakes. It was a wonderful last day, but very difficult to say good-bye. Some of the kids were pretty upset. I put in for subbing in that district so I should be back next fall to see them again.

It feels weird to be done and graduated. I slept late this morning, which was bliss. I thought I would just be lazy today. It's cloudy and seems to be a good day to just lie around, but in contrast, I actually seem to be getting things done. There have been all of these things around the house that need to get done and I have been putting them off for so long. I figure now is a good time to get started. One of my biggest projects is cleaning out one of the bedrooms that has become the place to put everything that doesn't have a place. Needless to say, it will be a multiple day project. So I have a lot to do, but I plan to work at a very comfortable pace. I have time after all.

Monday, May 11, 2009

12 Weeks

The baby is the size of a lime this week and weighs about a half of an ounce. The big development is the reflexes. The fingers and toes are beginning to curl, the eyes will start to flinch, and the mouth is beginning to make sucking movements. The baby will react to me pushing on my belly but I can't feel it yet.

I'm always so fascinated when I get my weekly updates. Each week the baby looks more like a baby. My belly is growing, which just seems like a lot of fat to me, but I learned this weekend that it does not become that beautiful hard swollen belly until much later. I am officially rubberbanding my pants. Tomorrow is my last day of school and then I will be moving into elastic shorts and sweatpants. Even though it doesn't look like what I thought it would when it started to grow, I love seeing it get bigger. I rub it and know that my little baby is swimming around in there. I've still been feeling pretty good. My appetite is increasing although I'm still not much on meat. I do have to eat every so often or I notice it and get weak, sick, dizzy, or all of the above. It's hard to remind myself to eat when I'm not hungry to prevent myself from getting to that point. I got our first pair of baby booties from Michael's grandma's sister. They're lying here on the desk and I look at them and picture the little toes that will fill them in 6 months.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Graduation Celebration

On Saturday my friend asked me to come up to watch her little girl's soccer game. Afterwards, her mom took the kids and we had lunch at Olive Garden. Little did I know it was all a big ploy to get me out of my house. Apparently, Jaime planned a surprise open house for my graduation. When I pulled up to my house there were several cars parked outside. I was wondering what in the world was going on. I was completely clueless until I walked up to my door and saw a graduation sign and Jaime standing in the front room with a video camera! I was shocked! I usually catch on to things and have somewhat of an idea that something is going on, but this time, nada. I even talked to Lucas that morning and he was telling me all about how he was going to come over and there were balloons. Well, Jeremy was going to come up to mow the lawn and so when I talked to him he said that Lucas thought he was going with him and they were playing water balloons that morning. Duh. My only thought was, hmm, water balloons in the morning, isn't it a little chilly for that? Haha!

There was a ton of food and a cake with a little bobble-head graduate on it with a picture of me when I was a kid for the face. It was really nice to visit with friends and family--especially some family that I don't get to see very often. I was really touched that this was all planned for me. I cannot express how much it meant and how good it made me feel. Thank you, Jaime. There aren't words.

And tonight...tonight I graduated! Whew, it's as amazing to type it as it is to say it aloud. The ceremony was long and boring, but I am glad I attended. Some parts of the last four years have been hard, but through all the highs and lows, I have made it to the end. I am so happy and so proud. And excited...although anxious to see what this next chapter in life will bring. I would like to take this time to thank all my family and friends, all the people around me that supported me and encouraged me through this journey.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Beautiful 30 Hours

Michael came home this weekend on a 30-hour pass. It was too short, but wonderful to see him again and I'm so grateful we got even this bit of time. I went down to Muscatutuck Urban Training Center (where he's going through his pre-mobilization, about an hour south) Saturday morning to pick him up. I felt like I was driving in slow motion; I could not get there fast enough. Once I got there we had to sit through too-long briefings until a little after noon, and then he was released. We didn't plan anything this weekend, which was perfect. We picked up some necessities from Walmart and he got a haircut, but mostly we just relaxed. It was so nice. The dogs were happy to see him too, especially Sammy. I can tell she missed him. I dropped him off at Atterbury this evening. The good-byes suck. Period. It's the hardest part. But I'll keep busy until his next pass. I have this week and then a couple days next week left of student teaching. After that my plan is to start getting things done around the house, and trust me, my list is long. I also have a large stack of books that have piled up that I really want to get to. And hopefully the rain will cease so I can enjoy a little outside time.