Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cleaning Up the House

Whew, I'm exhausted! Not that I've been going non-stop, but I feel as though I've accomplished quite a bit this week. I thought this summer would be a good time to start cleaning up the house. Not just cleaning, but organizing, getting rid of junk, and just getting things in order. My big goal was one of the back bedrooms upstairs. It has been a dumping ground for all of the things that didn't have a home. Well, while cleaning that room, it turned into all these other little projects around the house. I would find some papers there that needed to be filed and I would end up cleaning out a few of the files in the cabinet, which would then turn into another project of shredding all the papers and then taking them off to be recycled. And the pattern would continue on like that. I'm proud to say I have the bedroom all cleaned out and Lucas' little bed and box of toys moved in there. I figure that will be the new play room. I've also hung all of the frames that needed to be hung in the guest bedroom. We've lived here for over 2 years and they've been sitting on top of the dresser in there patiently waiting. I love going in there now and looking at the walls, feels more like home now. On top of all that I've gone through and organized little parts of the unseen house, like drawers and cupboards, here and there. I still feel like I have a lot to do, but I'll conquer it each room at a time. It's taken me a lot longer than normal to do this as I cannot carry loads all at once and I'm trying to listen to my body and rest occasionally.

Now is that time. I feel tired and worn out. So I rest. There's not much on t.v. and a storm is moving in so I don't want to go out and get a movie. This is the time that stinks, when I stop and realize it's just me and the dogs. Weekends are worse for some reason, not that the days really matter because they're all the same, but I guess it's just because everyone's home and I feel like Michael should be home too. We haven't talked much since he got to Wisconsin. He called to let me know he was there and that was about it. I miss him a lot and I can't help but to think about doing this for a year. Here's to having time pass by quickly.

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