Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Surprise Look at Baby

Ah, I've been ever so sneaky, with my wonderful plan! I was originally supposed to have my ultrasound at 21 weeks, which meant that the only way Michael would find out the sex would be over the phone. I was not happy with this. So I asked the nurse if we could do it at 18 weeks, she said yes, and so that's exactly what I did. I knew I would be going up to see Michael on his pass just a few days after, so it would be perfect. Jaime went with me to the ultrasound and videotaped. When it came time to finding out the sex, I had the technician put the photo in an envelope (not only did she do that, she put it in two and taped it shut!). After I picked up Michael from Ft. McCoy on Thursday and we got back to the hotel room, I told him I made a video that I wanted him to watch. He sat down with not a whole lot of reaction when it started and it was obvious that it was an ultrasound. I asked if he knew what was going on and he said looks like you went to an ultrasound, as if this is something that occurs often at the doctor. Then a look came over his face and he got really excited and said, this is to find out the sex! I grabbed the envelope and told him that no one knew what it was, that Jaime and I both turned our heads so we wouldn't find out. He was so excited he started ripping the envelope open. I asked him if he wanted to wait until we got to that part in the video, but neither of us could wait that long and opened it within a few seconds. There it was, B-O-Y. It was an incredibly emotional experience. He told me later he was so glad that we got to find out together. And although there was some lying to make my little plan happen, it was all worth it in the end!

The ultrasound itself was amazing. She pulled up the picture and found him right away. He was in a little ball so she had to do a little prodding to unfold him. Then she focused in and pulled up a 3D/4D picture of him! I had no clue they were going to do that as Jaime's doctor does not do that type of ultrasound normally. It was amazing to see him. One of the pictures even looks like he's smiling! I always thought they were a little creepy, but you can see the little hands face so much better. I'm so happy they did it. Nutter is so much more like a baby than he was at 8 weeks, the progress is just incredible. It makes the whole experience so much more real, seeing him and knowing he's a boy.

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