Sunday, August 2, 2009

In Country

Michael made it to Iraq Saturday night. He is still in the process of getting settled in so I don't have a lot of details. He is in a 2-man room, which is made out of connex. The chow hall is about a 10 minute walk, the gym (although not very big) is close, and his shop is not too far. He will have Internet in his room, which will make it a little easier for him to stay in contact with us. Their base is located next to another base (Air Force) and they can shuttle over there if they need to. The mission for them while they are there is maintenance (thank goodness!) and so he will be working in the shop. They are on 12-hour shifts and he will be working the night shift (7pm-7am) for now. Hopefully now he can get into a routine and time will go by quickly. I have sent out an email with his new address, but if I missed you and you want it, please let me know. The mail being sent to that base is extremely slow (one guy's wife sent something 3 weeks ago and it's still not there) and they might not get it that often (he's hearing they might only get it once a month), but I know he'd appreciate mail from home.

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