Monday, September 14, 2009

30 Weeks

3/4 of the way done!

Baby Nate is almost 16 inches long and weighs approximately 3 pounds, he's a head of cabbage. There's about a pint of amniotic fluid which will start decreasing the bigger he gets. His eyesight is continuing to develop, which he will end up having 20/400 when he is born (which is just a few inches from his face).

I read the books and my email updates and they all differ slightly on his size and weight at this week, of course, because all babies are different. I wonder how much different Nathan really is. I had a doctor's appointment last week. In addition to gaining more weight, my belly is now measuring two weeks ahead instead of just one like it has been. When the doctor came in and looked at the chart he commented that the baby must have had a little growth spurt. He remeasured my belly to make sure and then checked my ankles for swelling. Well, no water retention so baby must be getting big. They still don't want to change the due date and when I read about it on the Internet, everything I see says that it is more accurate to determine the due date early on in pregnancy, rather than later. So, now I wonder if this just means I'm going to have a huge baby! And when the books say he's 3lbs., all I can think is, hmm, what is he really?

Things have been going well. I've been feeling really good and enjoying all of his movements. Well, minus the rib checks he gives me. Some days I'm a little more tired than others but I'm not sure if that's due to boredom. The nerve pain in my buttocks is back in full force, and this time in both cheeks. Sometimes it's not too bad and others it's too much to even walk around. I can't believe I'm 3/4 of the way done. It felt like I was just writing my post saying I was 20 weeks and half way done. Ten more weeks and I'll be having him. I'm very anxious to have him and meet, as I probably say every time I write. I just think about it so often; what he will look like, what he'll be like. I go in the nursery and look at the little clothes we have for him and can't wait to put them on. Even the little diapers. Is he really going to be that small!?! Well, maybe he won't be. :) I've started thinking about all the other stuff to and sometimes I get nervous. Am I going to be able to do this? Will I know what to do and what he wants? Will I get through the delivery okay? Everyone says it will be fine, millions of women give birth and motherly instincts kick in, but I still get nervous. This will be the biggest, most important job I've ever done. I just want to do it right and do a good job, do the best I can.

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