Monday, November 2, 2009

37 Weeks

Well, today I am officially considered full-term. So I could have this little guy and he would be all ready to enter the world. He's approximately 6 1/3 lbs. and around 19 inches long. And from here on out the only thing that will be changing will be his size. All developing is done! It's weird to think that one minute he's on the inside, making movements that from the outside are very alien-like, and the next minute he will be this little baby. And even though he's all developed, it's my plan to keep him in there until Michael gets home in a couple of weeks. Let's just hope Nate's on the same page.

My doctor's appointment went well. I gained another 4lbs, which is probably much more than I should be gaining at this point (I think it's at most a pound a week, so 4lbs in 2 weeks doubles that, but oh well). Everything else was good-blood pressure, measurement, heartbeat, etc. I'm dilated to 1cm so just a bit up from 2 weeks ago. I'm happy about that because I don't want to progress too quickly and have to worry about having this baby before Michael gets home. And while it is still a concern of mine, I feel a lot better. Now it will be not having this baby too late either! I talked about inducing with the doctor today. A lot of it will be based on my body and where I'm at. The concern is with a first pregnancy that inducing before my body is ready doubles the chance for a c-section. He would like me to be at least 50% effaced and dilated to 3cm before he induces me, but is willing to induce me at 40 1/2 weeks if I don't go into labor before then. So as soon as Michael gets home, I see a lot of long walks happening, even if the doctor says that doesn't work. Just ask my sister.

Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. Since Nate has dropped the foot in the ribs is much less of an issue. I'm surprised at the strength of his movements though. When he really gets going I think he could knock the book or plate (or whatever else might be resting on my belly) right off. It's amazing to feel and see. I'm extremely tired and enjoy my afternoon naps almost daily. This might have something to do with my sleep, or lack thereof, at night. But I'm lucky that I can take those naps. I've been feeling a lot of anxiety over the birth and becoming a mother. I ask Jaime a million questions and I just hope that everything will fall into place when he arrives. I'm becoming more terrified of the birth, the anticipation and the unknown are probably what's making it even worse. But I know I will get through it and I am so excited for the reward I will get at the end of all of this. I cannot wait to meet my baby Nate.

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