Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11 Months

Okay, so I'm behind. Nate turned 11 months October 23rd, and today is November 2nd. Better late than never, right? Not a whole lot had changed since the last month, but in the last week , there have been a few changes, so maybe there's a reason I didn't get a chance to update until now.

Nate is officially done eating baby food. After several time of having the stuff splattering across the floor because he pushed it out of my hands, I figured he does not want it! So after his refusal to eat baby food, also came his refusal to eat anything but graham crackers and milk. This was literally his diet for three days. But eventually he decided to start eating food, real people food! Although he is still refusing my scrambled eggs. So now he can eat dinner with us if it's something he can have, otherwise I bought little toddler meals. He loves them! He also loves mashed potatoes and I bet he would eat them everyday if I made them. But his favorite is still the graham crackers. After he's done eating his meal I'll give him some and he gets so excited when he sees it.

I'm also working on the sippy cup/drinking while sitting thing. He does not drink from the bottle while sitting. I try to show him that he has to tip the bottle up and his head back, but he just gets frustrated, screams, and throws the bottle. I've also been trying the sippy cup but he thinks the end is just for chewing on.

After 11 months of not sleeping through the night, I've decided enough is enough. No more night time feedings. I know this is my fault for letting it go on as long as it has. I just started and it's going okay. I've decided nothing before 5am. The other night he slept through the night and didn't request the bottle until 5am. Last night he started around 3am, and I think it's just going to be a hard habit to break. So he whimpered and cried on and off until 5am, I think he must have fallen asleep in between with periods of silence. But he made it until 5am without a screaming fit, so maybe he's learning.

It's fun to watch him learn and play. He puts the ball in the hole, plays peek-a-boo with his blankie (which is become his security and will instantly stop his crying), and walks around with his walker which he thinks is the coolest thing ever. He took his first steps and takes a step each day but one step is max. His favorite song is Twinkle Twinkle and his face just lights up when you start singing it. He is also getting quite the attitude and really lets it show when he can't have something (like the remote that he always wants), diaper changes, or getting dressed. But I'll take it because all I need to see is that baby toothy grin each day and it's all worth it.

1 comment:

LindaLee said...

I love this photo of Nathan!! Won't be long and he will be 1 yr old :)