Tuesday, September 27, 2011

So Sweet

When we got Nate from the Nursery on Sunday, JoAnn told us a little story. She always gives them some cheerios for a snack. Nate was in there with another little boy and so they each had a pile on the table. Nate gobbled his up right away but the other little boy left his to go play. He kept eyeing up the pile but wouldn't take any. JoAnn told him he could have it but he still wouldn't take it until she pushed the pile of cereal in front of him. I'm so proud of him-such good manners! Although he doesn't always have good manners at home, I'm glad there are moments like this that he does.

It's weird now to say that he's in the nursery. Lately he seems like such a big boy. He's becoming so much more independent; maybe it's having a new baby that can't do anything in the house. He is taking more to Maddie. He tried to feed her food the other day. I can't remember what he was eating, but he decided she needed some too. He also likes to get down on the floor and play with her on the baby gym. When I set it down he crawls on it right away and now he requests that I put her down there with him. He looks over and just stares at her. It's so adorable.

The sleeping in the big boy bed is not going as smoothly. Last night he went right to sleep but he's had a few days this past week that were a bit rough. He will go up and holler and then play and then switch between the two until he finally falls asleep, sometimes on the floor. I guess the newness of the bed has worn off. He also is requesting his pacifier a lot more. He was doing pretty good with just having it at sleepy times but now he's wanting it about an hour out. He does not like it all when I tell him no. I think it will be awhile before we completely give it up (he eyes Maddie's paci when he doesn't have his & has taken it from her a couple times).

Oh, and one new development with his skin. We think it might be chocolate. So sad (Jaime, I know you'll be devastated by this one). One evening he had a horrible flare up and I thought about it and realized that I had given him a handful of chocolate chips. We started thinking about it and noticed that he always has skin issues and there are times that are worse than others. We are thinking that he drinks chocolate milk all the time and the little bit of chocolate in the milk probably keeps his skin bad and then when he has a bit of straight chocolate might be when his skin flares up. So we're on week two of no chocolate in his diet and his skin looks better than it has in a very long time. After this week I will give him a little chocolate and see what happens; if he gets a flare up then we know what the culprit is. It will be a bummer but much easier to manage than any of the other foods that came up (false) positive.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

I'm just reading this now, and you're right - it would be devastating to not have chocolate! I hope that's not the case! :)