Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hackman's Farm

We decided to go to Hackman's Farm after story time at the library this morning (which didn't go terribly, but still glad it was our last time).  I knew it was going to be hard to do this by myself, but Nate's obsession with pumpkins trumped my fear.  So off we went!

It actually went pretty well.  Nate was so excited to see the field of pumpkins as we pulled in, but instantly forgot about them when he saw the animals and then forgot about them when he saw the tractor.  I was happy they could actually climb on the tractors.  We avoided the corn maze, for obvious reasons, and stuck to the animals and tractors and finally the pumpkin patch.  We did make a pit stop in the barn so Nate could crawl through the straw tunnel and throw some balls around. 

They weren't as excited about picking out a pumpkin as I had thought they would be.  Maybe it was the constant tripping over the vines, but I kept encouraging Nate to find one he liked, but he just walked around pulling at the vines.  You never know what to expect.  So instead of actually picking our pumpkins we grabbed some from the pre-picked piles at the front (which actually worked better because I didn't want to carry pumpkins all the way back).  Nate picked the first pumpkin he saw, was much more interested in pushing the cart around.  Maddie could care less about picking a pumpkin but did enjoy picking out a small pumpkin and putting it in the cart.  Only one timeout and no major meltdowns, left with pumpkins the back of the car....I'd call this trip a success!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Looks like they had fun! Your kids are so darn cute! I can't believe how tall Maddie is for a one year old!