Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Maddie is 18 Months Old

Maddie is now 18 months! She doesn't have her check-up at the doctor's until March so no stats at this time.
She has been babbling for awhile but she has really started saying quite a few words here recently.  She says: ouwy/ouchy, dada, mama, uh-oh, baby, paci (papi), bye bye, juice, mine, hi, please, thank you, boots, shoes, and no (we'll get to that one in a bit).  She is also saying a few other babbles that sort of sound like the word: apple, balloon, dog, and door.
So, yes, she's officially telling us "no".  It's great.  And of course it's the word she uses most often.  Enter the defiant stage.  We are definitely at the starting line of the terrible two's.  She is as feisty as can be.  She doesn't want to listen, refuses to do what we tell her to do, and has started hitting-especially Nate.  When she gets made she throws things or knocks things over.  Let's just say that she spends a little bit more time in time-out each day.  This has made it very difficult to take her out in public.
But I know that this new behavior is all part of it.  She is really becoming very independent.  She gets around so well.  She can go up and down the stairs (she really has been able to do so for quite some time), she jumps on the trampoline, can jump with both feet off the floor, and loves to tumble.  She loves to do things on her own (feeding herself, brushing her teeth, etc.).  She's still eating really well, which isn't surprising-she loves food and her mood is often dependent on it.  You should see her face when I actually have breakfast waiting for her on the table in the morning.  She literally squeals with delight. It's hilarious.
She still loves to read and has several in her favorites list now.  She's starting to really play with her dollies, mostly to take them on "walks" in the baby stroller around the living room.  Today she had a good time with her baby on her lap, playing, as well as hitting her, laughing the whole time. Rotten, I say, just rotten! :)  She loves Potato Head, has to play with it everyday.  She likes doing puzzles, playing with the Little People figures, and building blocks.


1 comment:

Mom said...

Maddie sounds really advanced for her age. What a character! And oh so cute!