Friday, March 8, 2013

Maddie's 18 Month Wellness

Maddie had her 18 month wellness visit this week.  She's actually 19 months but that's how it goes sometimes with scheduling the visits at the doctor's office.

She is 35 1/2" tall (100%+) and 27lbs 13oz (93%). No surprise there. Other than her ears still having some fluid in them and doing another round of antibiotics to completely clear it up, she is a healthy little girl. 

She talks so much it's crazy.  Most of it is mumbo jumbo but she does repeat so many words. Her independence has not changed, nor has her fiestiness. It is something I've decided I need to really bring in before she gets too much older and it gets out of control.  I've been a little easier with her because she is the baby, but I can tell with her personality that she's going to need me to be firm.  So she has had several time outs today and I can already tell that she is learning to listen a little bit better.

We were upstairs this morning playing and she hit Nate so I put her in her bed for a timeout (I hate lugging the kids all the way downstairs to go to timeout so they have to go to their rooms instead if we are upstairs).  Next thing I know she's walking back in the room!  I couldn't believe it! So now she can go free.  It is naptime and so far she is staying in there.  We will see what happens but once she really gets the hang of it and remembers that she can leave her crib whenever she wants we are going to have to move her.  Boo!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Wow! Maddie sure is tall for her age! I sure enjoy reading about her "antics." She is a hoot! Hang in there. She is probably going through terrible twos at an early age because she is so intelligent. Love, Mom