Friday, January 24, 2014

Bunk Beds

We bought bunk beds this summer, not really intending to use them until next summer.  Maddie just moved into a big girl bed not that long ago, and we didn't think she was ready to share a room yet.  So the bottom bunk stayed in her room and Nate got the loft bed in his.  However, we caved and gave in to the constant requests to share a room.  We didn't think she was ready and we were right, however the move was made and the bed wasn't going back.

While the transition has been less than smooth, with most nights moving Nate out of the room until they both fall asleep and then putting him back in bed, there's is something so sweet to checking on the kids and seeing them in the same room sleeping.  And last night was the first night that they both fell asleep in their beds.  Granted it took them awhile to settle down, but eventually they did, all on their own.  Victory! At least for one night.

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