Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week in Review

The time is just going by so quickly I don't know how it's already Sunday again and the start of another week. Through the week the routine stays the same, for the most part, so not much to update there. I'm closing in on the end of my first student teaching placement. I start transitioning out next week and I will be completely done by the first week in March. Then I move onto my second placement, a 3rd grade general ed classroom. I am excited to start the new placement but I will miss working with my kids.

Our week started out fantastic, we both got bloody noses. On Sunday Michael and I were wrestling around and I elbowed him in the nose. It started bleeding. I felt so bad. And then later that day after we were done working out we decided to shoot some hoops. He threw the ball to me and this is where my lack of coordination comes in...I miss the ball and my nose tries to catch it instead. It instantly started bleeding. I was so embarrassed I just wanted to get out of there. We laughed about our double-bloody nose day later.

I went to brunch with a few of my friends on Saturday. Since we are student teaching and don't get to see each other often it was a nice time to catch up. It was busy and we hogged the table for a couple of hours and probably could have hogged it for longer, but we thought we better leave. It was so nice to sit and chat and catch up. Aw, I miss them.

I also miss my little Lucas. He called me this weekend wanting to come up. I wish we lived closer so we could all see each other more often. It's probably not the distance more than it is the schedules that really prevents us from all getting together as often as we'd like to.

Friday we went to grab something to eat and when we came back Sammy had gotten into my book bag and chewed on 3 books that I had brought home. These weren't even my books, they were my teacher's that she had lent me to use in a lesson. I was furious. She is so good during the day but if we go anywhere at night after being gone all day she does this. I know it's our fault and she's bored and mad and she's just letting us know. I feel bad that she stays home all day by herself. So the search is on full force to find a sibling for her. We searched last night and I've been on again this morning, and I think I have it narrowed down to the top 16. The real problem will be finding a dog that Sammy will get along with. It is a hit and miss thing. But either way, I am determined to find her someone to spend her day with.

We were supposed to spend Saturday with Michael's parents but his dad fell ill. We had to run up to Indy to pick up some parts for his bike and we thought afterwards we might just run down to his parents for a quick visit. On our way up to Indy the weather turned and an icy rainy snow started coming down. We're just driving and all of sudden a car loses control and slides across the interstate right in front of us and hits the median. Michael had to swerve to avoid missing it. We pulled over to call 911 and I guess I wasn't being very clear as to what happened so Michael took the phone and gave directions to where we were at. An emergency vehicle was right there and pulled over right away and the people got out of their car and were walking around so no one was hurt. It was so scary and my heart was just racing. I mean, the car literally slid right in front of us. Michael said later that he had saw the car start to fishtail and so he watched it happen from the start but it did happen so quickly. After that I just wanted to get home and we decided driving around would be the best idea so we didn't go visit his parents. It ended up being a movie marathon day, which was fine by me. It's nice to have a lazy day.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

We weren't planning on doing anything (well, at least I didn't know we were going to do anything) for Valentine's Day. However, Michael was planning a big surprise for the day, but none of which worked out. He had wanted to go to a pottery place to make some pots. The only one in town here just lets you paint the pots, not make them. He had this whole vision of making them on the pottery wheel and so he tried finding one everywhere, but with no luck. His second big surprise was to get up early and make me breakfast. He had a fitful night of sleep, or lack thereof, and he woke up to find no syrup. He was so disappointed that nothing was working out. I was just so happy with his intentions on making the day special. We ended up going to Indy for a late lunch at Red Lobster (which if you know Michael, you know this is love taking me here--he is not that big on seafood) and then went to the movies. We saw Dark Knight at the IMAX theater, which was amazing. Neither of us had been to an IMAX movie before. It is incredible and it really is an experience. Every explosion vibrated the seats and some of the views can make you dizzy or feel like you're falling too. So much fun.

We don't get into the whole commercialism of Valentine's Day and our tradition is to always make each other our gifts. This year we decided on music CD's. We thought it would be an ideal gift this year since we will be spending most of the year apart and it will give us something to listen to and hopefully feel closer to each other with. The project itself was a little more time consuming that we had thought so neither of us had it finished by Saturday. We are exchanging them tonight--I'm so excited!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Indiana Weather

Last week school was cancelled for four days because we got so much snow. Today, it's so warm out that our windows are open! Well, it's not super warm, it is really nice out today. We were driving around with the windows open. Indiana weather is probably something I will never get used to.

Jaime, Jeremy, and Lucas came up this weekend to visit for a little bit. It was good to see them, we don't see them enough. Lucas was sick Saturday morning, throwing up everywhere. Literally, everywhere. First it was one couch and then the other and then the kitchen floor. It was mostly orange juice but it seemed to be mixed in with some slimy egg substance, which he do not eat anything close to eggs for breakfast. I know you want the details. He was fine by the afternoon. I love seeing him. He is one of the funniest little kids. And smart too. He's reading his letters. Jaime had brought her scrapbooking stuff up but we never did get around to doing any of it. We need a day with no distractions to sit down and work on it.

Other than that, it was a good weekend. Michael and I went out for dinner Saturday night. It was wonderful. I eat every last piece no matter how full I am because I love it so much. We were going to go see a movie too and make it a complete date night, but there weren't any that he really wanted to see (I wanted to see Bride Wars, but he wasn't about that at all). So our "date" consisted of dinner and then walking around Meijer for awhile. So romantic. :)