Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Maddie-4 Months

Maddie, or Mo as I started calling her because her hair is coming in like a mohawk, is four months old today. One-third of a year. Seems to be going fast. I think I say this every month. :) She had her wellness visit today. She is doing fine. Her weight is 17lbs. 6 oz. (93%) and she is 26 1/2 inches long (100%). Not a surprise that she's a big baby. I recently moved her to 6-9 month clothing. Overall she is doing very good. Still eating every 4-5 hours and naps after being up for 2-3 hours. She has gotten very used to sleeping with Mommy and so doesn't sleep very well or long for naps in a bed. We are going to really start working on that. She also is still getting up every 2 hours at night. Dr. Harris asked how she was eating at night and she does eat like she's hungry. She suggested feeding her more often during the day, but I tried that and she spits up a lot; just too full. So she feels that Maddie really is hungry at night and I can continue the feedings. She said it was up to me, but it is fine to start feeding her cereal and see if that helps. I know it didn't do anything for Nate when we started adding cereal to his bottle. But I'm not opposed to the idea and it is something to consider. Other than that everything is going well. She is usually very content, likes to smile, and is entertained by bubby a lot...when he's not stomping on her or gouging out her eyes.


We went to Michael's parents for Thanksgiving, as is the tradition each year. Luckily we had good weather we took Hwy 46 down so it was a lovely scenic drive. Of course his mother had all the fixings and dinner was delicious! Afterwards we visited and although I don't remember everything that was discussed, I know that my sides were hurting from laughing so much. We even played "telephone" with the kids, which they loved. Nate did really well and I think as he gets older and can interact better with Christy's girls, the more fun he will have at these family gatherings. Usually it is so much work to take him anywhere that is not baby proof, but he did great and I felt like I could just relax and let him play. Of course Maddie was an angel. Next year she'll be able to eat the food with us!

I try to be thankful year round but Thanksgiving is always a time that makes me really sit and think about the things that I am blessed with. This year I would like to take time to say that I am thankful for God's love, my family & technology that keeps me connected to my family that is not close, my children and husband, good health, making good friendships, a home, and happiness.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nate-2 Years Old

I'm not sure where to even start with this one. I guess with his wellness visit results. He is 33lbs 4oz (95%) and 36.5 inches long (95%). Everything looks good with him. Finally. What a year it has been with his skin issues. But finally having them resolved and knowing that chocolate was the culprit has done wonders. Dr. Harris can't believe how good he looks. He is a big boy and I was surprised that he is "only" 33 pounds. He feels much, much heavier. Everyone that holds him comments that he is so solid. He is in size 3T clothing.

He is sweet and loves people. He loves copying and recently has started fake sneezing. He'll do this a lot after he coughs too. His fake sneeze is more like spitting but it's funny. He also has the best fake snore I've ever heard. Where do they pick up this stuff!?! He has the cutest smile and it's the best to watch him anticipate something that he's expecting, like tickling at a certain point in a song that he knows. He gets ready for it and this smile spreads across his face. We took away the paci at 22 months because he was chewing on it and ever since bedtimes have been the worst. He cries and screams and stands at his doorway, sometimes for hours. Literally. There have been some nights when he's still up after we go to bed. It has definitely been a struggle but we should get through this stage like everything else.

He is also going through the terrible 2's. It's great. The meltdowns over the slightest things. All normal, all natural, all frustrating as all get out. I created a time out zone with a gate blocking off the back laundry area. It works great. He has learned the words time out quickly. He is also still adjusting to baby sister. While he's not really acting out anymore, there is still some jealousy and he likes to be mean to her. He will step on her or gouge out her eyes. But he can be very sweet to her as well, giving her the softest of kisses on her head.

He hates: getting dressed, getting lotioned, hats, and being told no.

He loves: his blankie, watching movies (faves are How to Train Your Dragon, Toy Story, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Up, & Tangled), jumping, his Twinkle Twinkle Little Star book, balloons, sand, sticks, baths, swinging, motorcycles, tires, and trains & cars. His favorite foods are corn dogs, pizza, bananas, fruit snacks, vanilla wafers, macaroni and cheese, orange juice, fries, mashed potatoes, and toddler meals.

He's up to about 18 words but trying to say more. The words he can say that are understandable are: mama, dada, baba, ball, good, please, owie, uh-oh, no, all gone, poo poo, baby, bye, itchy, thank you, help you, go, shoe. He says more that only I can understand like movie or light, etc.

I cannot believe my baby is 2 years old. I thought it would be difficult for me but I am enjoying every new stage. I wish time would pass by slower, but it is exciting to see what new developments he makes each day. I love my Nate so much and so glad to have this little guy in my life!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

3 Months Old

Three months have gone by already! It has been a blur. Life goes by much quicker now...probably because there's never a dull moment-or a moment to rest. :)

I think there are two big things I want to remember about Maddie at 3 months. The first is that she does not sleep! Okay, she sleeps beautifully during the day. She has an hour nap every morning at 10am. A couple of hours later she has a two hour nap (on average) and then a 30 minute-hour nap in the evening. She's very structured in her naps. I can put her down when she naps and she will fall asleep in her bed on her own. Night is a different story. She still sleeps in two hour spurts. For one week I tried giving her the paci at the 2-hour mark and feeding her at the 4-hour mark. This worked well for one night. After that it was down hill and by the end of the week she was getting up every hour. I have tried swaddling (she's too big and breaks free), tummy (hates it), and even a little crying (probably not long enough because I don't like it). She likes to sleep with me and last night she slept with me the whole night. I was so exhausted I don't remember how many times she got up, but I think the stretches were a bit longer than 2 hours.

The second is that she is a mommy's girl. Big time. I had my first break away from both the kids the night before Michael's birthday. Sara watched them so that we could go out for dinner. She was a bit fussy and was ready to see her mommy by the time we got back (I think we were gone an 1 1/2 hours). This past weekend Jaime was up visiting with the boys all day. She offered to watch the kids so we could go out for dinner. I took her up on it! Maddie started crying and there was no consoling her until I got home. The same thing happens if I tuck Nate into bed at night. I am only upstairs long enough to read him a few stories, but it's that time of night that Miss Maddie needs her mommy! So I am not going to be able to go anywhere (not even upstairs!) in the evenings until she grows out of this. Yay me!

But if the sleeping and needing me are the worst things about her, then I will take them in a heartbeat! She is a good baby overall. She is smiling and has these chubby cheeks you can't help but squeeze. She really is a sweetheart.