Monday, April 25, 2011


Growing up, we always had a big to-do for Easter. Easter egg hunts, finding our baskets, scavenger hunts. It was awesome. Although I wasn't raised learning the real reason for Easter. Last year Nate was too young but now he's at the age where I want to start creating traditions for him like I had AND to learn the meaning of Easter. I think the message of Christ's death and Resurrection is a little over his head, so I guess we'll just stick with the eggs and candy this year.

We went to Michael's parents for Easter lunch and the egg hunt. Christy and I went out in the yard (the brief period of time that it stopped raining) and hid the eggs. We put some not so hidden eggs in the middle of the lawn for Nate. He had such a good time running around and picking up the eggs and putting them in the bag. I was kind of surprised that he got it. But it didn't take him long to figure out that these eggs had good things inside. He opened the first one and there was a shiny candy wrapper in it and then it was on! Afterwards he thoroughly enjoyed the chocolate. I wish I had some pictures but my camera is broken and I haven't been able to get a new one yet. :(

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bounce Spot

We took Nate up to Greenwood on Monday for his first trip to Bounce Spot (formerly Bouncertown). It is a place with big bouncers for him to jump on. He absolutely loved it! We took him in the toddler bouncer first, which was just his size. He enjoyed jumping (big shocker there), falling down, climbing, and sliding. We took him to the big bouncers, which he seemed to enjoy but was a bit hesitant. He was doing fine until a little kid (probably a little over 2 years old or so) decided that it would be fun to drop kick and pile drive him. His mom stated that she didn't know the rules about going in the bouncer and just kept saying "no" to him as he continued to jump all over Nate, making him cry. I told her that it would be fine to go in if she needed to get her son out, but she didn't. Nate eventually made his way back out, but was then done with the bouncers. I was pretty upset about it. She had said that he didn't know about hitting because he was an only child and there were no other siblings to hit back. Well, so is Nate and he doesn't go around beating kids up. We took him over to the arcade area and he liked running around and looking at all the machines and the lights. The he found the race cars and was in heaven. We tried to get him to get back on the bouncers, but it took him a little bit. But eventually he gained the confidence to go back and jump. He met a kid (around 4 years old) that started to play with him and they had a blast. This kid was so good with him and it just warmed my heart to see Nate so happy. What a great way to spend a rainy afternoon. Not to mention that Nate had a great nap that afternoon!