Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Little Time for the Fair and Family

On Sunday I met up with Jaime and Jeremy and we all went to the Jackson County Fair. It's a pretty good size fair. We started with the animals. Lucas seemed afraid of some, but not of others, mostly the baby animals. There was a pig that weighed over 1,000 pounds and he was fascinated by it, as was I. I love looking at the animals, but it's a whole other experience to do it with a child. Just to watch his little face as he saw them...I cannot wait until I can take my kids to the fair and watch their faces light up with excitement. Jaime and Jeremy took Lucas on a few rides. He wasn't afraid at all-even way up high on the ferris wheel. Such a dramatic difference from last summer when we took him to King's Island. He's becoming such a big boy. I can see just how quickly they grow up. Before I know it he'll be driving over here to visit me (okay, I don't think a teenage boy is going to want to visit his old aunt, but I can be hopeful, can't I?). We ate some yummy fair food and the trip was complete when Jeremy finally found the stand that was giving away the yard stick-his goal for the day.

Monday I went down to Michael's parents to visit. I hooked up their Internet and showed them the ropes. I am really excited that they finally have Internet. Not only will they be able to stay in touch more often with Michael while he is gone, but I will also be able to send them pictures, etc. I just like having one more connection option to people that I don't live close to. His mom made a big lunch for my birthday and we had yummy strawberry mousse pie for dessert. Their neighbor has a little boy who is one and so she gave Denise a bunch of clothes to give to me. She also gave me a wipes warmer and some baby toys. It was like Christmas! I love getting baby stuff. Most of the clothing was 12 mo. but the season for them is right so we should have some clothes for him next fall.

Our combined birthday gift this year from them was a swing for the backyard. I have been wanting one forever and so I was super excited. I came home and started putting it together but didn't get it done before it got dark. I tried to finish it anyway but the bugs were eating me alive and I was afraid if I dropped another bolt and didn't find it I would be kicking myself. So I finished putting it together this morning. I absolutely love it! I sat out there for over an hour talking to Linda on the phone, I read a book this afternoon, and just sat out there after dinner watching the dogs play while my food settled. Let's just say I can see myself getting a lot of use out of it.

I knew I would be able to put it together. This is something else that normally would have been Michael's job. Like a lot of things around here, I know I can do, but it is nice having someone else to take care of them. But it did make me feel proud to do it, like mowing the grass and the other things I have been taking care of. It makes up for the things I can't do. I noticed a window that needed to be re-caulked. So I went to the store and bought some caulk and found Michael's caulk gun. I cut the tip, put it in the gun, and pulled the trigger...nothing happens. So I keep squeezing, harder and harder. Something must be wrong with this caulk! So I take it out of the gun to find it oozing out of the bottom end! I read the directions and it says cut the tip THEN break the seal. The seal!?! What seal and how do I break it!?! So, I still haven't caulked the window. Caulk has been added to my list. Along with ant killer. Ugh, I have ants, big time. I hate them and they gross me out. Not even in the kitchen either, where I would think they would want to be, but by the front door. I found a couple of baits and put them out but looks like I'm going to have to bring out the big guns. They're starting to infiltrate into the kitchen, front room...everywhere! I hate bugs!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Painted Room

I painted our front room, finally. The paint is called "puppy paws" and it resembles chocolate milk. I like it much better than what the old home owner had (anything to get her out of here!) but not sure if I love it. It will work for now. I was thinking of a more coffee with milk kind of color, but heh, it's done. I finally have curtains on the windows too. I've been living, far too long I might add, with just sheers on the windows in here. Well, now I have beautiful chocolate brown curtains and some pretty blue valances that I made. I have a few pictures I want to hang in here and then I think the room will be officially done. Sooner or later, each room in this house will be complete. Probably by the time we're ready to move again!

It's helping to consume time, all these little projects on my to do list. Some days are longer than others, and it makes it hard to be here alone. But I'm finding that it's okay if I want to have a cry and sleep and do nothing kind of day sometimes. It's not everyday, or even very often, but I think it is okay. For the most part, I've been keeping very busy considering I'm not working or going to school. I took Lucas for a couple of days. We had a great time. We went to a couple of different parks, played outside (he's a good kicker and maybe future soccer player like ol' Aunt Beckie), went to Chuck E. Cheese, and just played. Sometimes it's good just to play.

My next project might be to really work on the scrapbooking stuff. I have 2 pages in the deployment book that are just screaming, finish me already! And I need to catch our book up before the baby comes. The big project though is Jaime's book for Lucas. We have 3 years to catch up on before Landon is born, and so I need to get my creative juices flowing and my, eh-hem, our butts in gear. I would absolutely love a cricut machine, but they're so expensive, I'll probably have to do without. One can dream, can't they?

Monday, July 20, 2009

22 Weeks

Baby is now 11 inches long, about the size of a spaghetti squash, whatever that is. He weighs almost a pound. A pound! He's starting to look more like a newborn, with more distinct eyelids, lips, and eyebrows. There are even little tooth buds developing under his gums. Everything else just keeps on developing.

I'm feeling pretty good. My energy is high and I think my only complaint right now is my chronic back pain. I'm sleeping with 5 pillows, positioned everywhere. My hips hurt too, usually during the night. I'm not sure if it's because I'm lying on my side or they're expanding. Let's hope it's the side thing. Glad to be on the downhill slope. Not that I'm not enjoying this part of the pregnancy. Everyone says this is the only good part, and so far I'll agree. I feel great and I'm barely big enough to even think about being miserable. I'm just anxious to meet him and hold him. I had a doctor's appointment last week. Everything is still good, right on track, and still measuring in a week ahead. The doctor is set on the original due date though and he said that the ultrasound at 8 weeks was more accurate for determining the due date than anything now. And it doesn't mean I'm going to have a big fat baby, although I could. His features aren't the only things becoming more distinct, his movements are too. There is still the light brushing every so often, but within the last week or so he has started "popping" in my belly just like popcorn. It was absolutely amazing the first time I felt it, still is really. He's more active after eating and at night, especially when I lie down for the night. Then of course I'm not going to sleep because I want to soak in every moment I feel him moving. I love knowing there's this little baby in there, and in 18 weeks I get to meet him. A couple of nights ago I could actually see a little kick (or punch) through my belly. Just absolutely amazing.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Uncle Map's Visit

My brother Matt (or Map as Lucas says) came down this week for a little visit. It was really nice to see him again-I haven't seen him since my wedding a little over two years ago. (on a side note, what!?!, I've been married for 2 years!) He drove down Sunday and left this morning. We had a nice time. Went to the movies, played some mini-golf, did a little shopping, and spent probably too much time on guitar hero and wii. It was wonderful just to hang out again as this is now a luxury with family that lives so far away. My wedding brought a lot of family back together again at the same time and I often wonder when will be the next time that we are all together again.

Sammy is doing much better. Her stitches were taken out on Tuesday and it is healing up nicely. Now next on the agenda is getting Benny fixed. I'm going to try and schedule it this month and then hopefully after that we will be all done with any dog problems. But they're doing good. I've gotten my first moles of the year. Although instead of bringing them to the back door like a present, I've been finding them in the yard. Not complaining, much better than cleaning up rabbit or skunk.

I went with Jaime to her doctor's appointment and 4D ultrasound today. He was a little stubborn, keeping his arm wrapped up by his face, but it was nice to see the little guy. He's going to look just like Lucas! I am so excited for his birth and to hold little Landon Toppe.

Michael and I had our first webcam "date" tonight. He stayed up late in order to do it, since they are seven hours ahead of us. But it was so nice to see his face and type back and forth. I could almost hear his voice and his laugh. He seems to be doing well, just sitting through a ton of briefings and trying to bear the heat and sandstorms.

Monday, July 13, 2009

No More Army Life For Me

This past weekend was my last drill weekend. I think it will be weird not to put the uniform on anymore and to not say I'm a soldier or I'm in the guard, etc. I guess this chapter, like all others, must come to an end too. I feel that I've done my duties and I have gotten what I wanted to out of the experience. Seven years and many memories later, I am done.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

In Kuwait

Michael made it to Kuwait safely. He actually left Tuesday afternoon, but I didn't hear from him until today. I've had my phone by me everyday, waiting anxiously for his phone call, just to get an email from him! Apparently there was some problems with the switchboard at Camp Atterbury so he couldn't make a phone call home. I don't know a whole lot, the email was short and just to let me know he got there okay, but he's fine. Hopefully we will know more soon. In the meantime, some pictures of him at the airport in Maine on his way over.

*Kuwait is the stop that all the troops make before going into country. They will do more training here, probably to get get conditioned to the climate, for any where from 2-4 weeks.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

20 Weeks

I'm halfway there!

Nutter weighs about 10 1/2 ounces and is about 6 1/2 inches long...or at least he should be at this point (unless he's bigger!). He's the size of a banana! He's swallowing more and producing meconium (which we'll be seeing in some of his first diapers). He's also started sensory development in his brain, designating certain areas for sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. This means that he should be able to hear now.

I just want to say it's nice to be able to say "he" and "him". Not much has changed in the last couple of weeks. I'm still feeling fine, having energy, etc. I wish I could feel him more. The movements are still faint and quick. Hopefully it won't be long until I feel some strong kicks...then I'll be wishing I didn't! And no odd cravings either, still mostly just fruit that I want. I guess I'm getting bigger (I should have started measuring my waist) as people tell me I am, but I feel like it's slight. Although I'm definitely showing and people can tell I am pregnant. Today was the first time the cashier asked if I needed help out with my groceries. I declined, but might have to take advantage of that pregnancy pampering and spoiling sometime!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The 4th of July

This is also the 1st holiday without Michael. Kind of ironic too...the holiday that celebrates freedom and the reason he is gone, to preserve that freedom. While I know that the things I do will not be the same without him here, I also know that I cannot just sit at home and play staring games with the dogs. Columbus does the fireworks show on the 3rd, so Friday night my friend Wanda came over with a friend that she works with to cookout before watching the fireworks. Afterwards we came back here for some strawberry shortcake and some more fireworks. Of course, it drove the dogs nuts, but it was fine. I think they're almost, almost, getting used to it with all the fireworks going off all the time. Yesterday I went to Michael's aunt's house for a cookout. There was so much food! It was nice to visit with family again. His cousin is pregnant too (actually due a few days before Jaime) and she's naming him Nathaniel. When I told Michael on the phone he said, but we had that name picked for years! He's funny. I miss him terribly again already and the holidays are always going to be harder without him here, but we just keep reminding each other that it's the only one-he'll be home for the next 4th of July.

I'm dog-sitting Zeus this weekend too. I should have known it was going to rain. It always seems to rain when he comes over. The dogs have been spending most of the time in the house napping. Zeus on the tile floor, Benny in the chair, and Sammy up on the bed. They're funny how they all have their places. Benny still seems to tiptoe around Zeus and Sammy and Zeus still seem to bully him a little. It kinda makes me sad. He's just so sensitive and loving, but also very playful and Sammy only tolerates so much. He doesn't try to play with Zeus so Zeus basically ignores him. Unless they're eating and then Zeus will eat his food and then move to Benny's bowl and finish his. Poor Benny just moves to the side and watches. But they all get along and there's no serious fighting.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Michael's Last Pass

I went up to Wisconsin last Thursday to see Michael for his last pass. It was such a long drive but so very worth it. We had a wonderful time. It really didn't matter what we did because it was just nice being together to do it. After showing him the ultrasound he was in super baby mode so we spend a lot of time shopping and looking at baby stuff. We bought some outfits and finally found a diaper bag we both like. He's so excited to become a daddy, it just warms my heart. We saw a couple of shows, walked along the Mississippi River (we stayed in LaCrosse) and went to a bluff overlook. Sometimes we just relaxed in the room. It was perfect.

I had to drop him off on Monday evening. It was hard, still is. Now it's just getting through the next five months until he comes home on leave. It's always hard at the start, the good-byes and adjusting to it all over again. I know it will get easier as time goes on but right now it sucks. Today will be a day at home with the dogs.