Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just Another Day

I think the dogs and their shenanigans are becoming part of my daily routine. I've really picked up a lot of days subbing, working every day this week. I am exhausted! One, I'm definitely not used to working full time and two, my dogs wear me out! Let's see, so far this week I've come home to deal with a Mr. Benny who decided to roll around in the grass which was also the same location as a pile of poo. Bathing the dogs is become increasingly difficult the more pregnant I get. Needless to say I was not happy. He also decided to take the cushion that had blown off my swing and use it as a chew toy. I can sew it back up but I had to pick up little cotton pieces all over the yard. And then yesterday Sammy decided to go hunting for rabbits. I was on the computer and thought to myself, hmm, the dogs are awfully quiet. So I went out in the yard to check on them to find Sammy nose deep in rabbit. It was disgusting. I got the shovel out and threw the rabbit and its entrails over the fence and then I had to clean Sammy's beard off. They wear me out and my tolerance for them has been minimal lately. I love them dearly, but my goodness, just driving me a little nuts lately!

I've been subbing in a 2nd grade classroom the last couple of days. They are fascinated with my belly and baby and always asking questions about him. One little girl came up and told me that since I know I'm having a boy, I must have already had the jelly on my belly. And now the kids are playing baby at recess. They lie on the bench and pump their stomachs lightly until they "have a baby". Funny kids.

I've also been watching my friends teenagers while she is on vacation. They're not home much between practice and work. It's a whole different thing to parent teenagers. They're self sufficient. I'm constantly asking if they're hungry or need something, and I think they think I'm crazy. I'm realizing they will go get something out of the cupboard if they want to eat. So much different than little kids! The biggest thing is keeping track of schedules and worrying about them. I watch the clock constantly. But they're good girls and so it hasn't been too bad.

Monday, September 28, 2009

32 Weeks

Little baby Nate is now approximately 3.75lbs and 16.7 inches long. The update says that he's gaining about a half a pound of what should be my one pound gain each week. These updates. I have to laugh. My baby is probably not that size and I am definitely not just gaining one pound a week. I went to the doctor last week and everything is still good. I'm still measuring a couple weeks ahead with no change in due date. I think they are probably annoyed with me because I ask every time. Other than getting more uncomfortable, I haven't had much of a change either (if you don't look at all the weight I'm gaining!). The bigger he gets I think the more uncomfortable he gets and is digging into my ribs almost all the time. I try to push his little butt down or take deep breaths. Sometimes if I move positions or lie down that helps too. That and the back pain are horrible at times but those are really my only complaints right now. So it could be a lot worse--like the women I hear about that have morning sickness all of the way through or I could be on bed rest. So I try not to complain although it doesn't seem that way by reading this. This is just so I can remember everything he put me through so I never let him forget it later! :)

It's the start of flu season and they're recommending me to get the regular flu vaccine and the H1N1 vaccine. I'm not fond of vaccines period, and I especially don't want anything to affect the baby, but I really am not sure what the right thing to do is. Of course the doctor recommends it, but when I research it online the arguments are strong on either side. I am leaning more towards getting the regular flu vaccine, as long as I can get it without themerosal (it's a preservative put in the shots that contains mercury) and I'm still undecided about the other vaccine. It's just so new it scares me, even if they use "old" methods to make it. When I was at the office they were all out of vaccines so it took all the decision making away from me. I don't want to put horrible things into my body but it's hard for baby and mama to get the flu and I don't want to do anything that will put me into early labor. And on top of that, I am working in the schools with sickly children all the time. Any help or guidance is welcomed.

Landon Elijah Toppe

Is officially here! He was born yesterday, September 27th at 2:03pm. He weighs 7lbs 6.5oz and is 21" long. Jaime had called me in the morning, she had been having contractions since very early that morning, but nothing was regular so she thought it was false labor. Well, obviously it wasn't. Closer to noon she called and said I better head down that they were going to head to the hospital. I didn't know how long I would be down there and so I thought I would just drop the dogs off at their house and then head down from there. What a mistake! Jaime barely made it to the hospital before having him. There was no time for an epidural and in 3 pushes he was out. I was sad that I missed it and especially not to be there for Jaime going through all of that, but I am happy that both baby and mom are doing well. I am just so proud of her and if you knew her pain tolerance you would be too. He is a beautiful baby, looks just like his big brother. It will be interesting to watch him grow. Lucas was so tender with him, it was amazing to see. Just the look of awe on his face---there are no words to describe it. He is a proud big brother.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Benny is Home

Well, my life seems to be so dull right now that all I have to write about is that Benny is home from the doctor. He has been neutered. So far he doesn't seem too angry about it. Maybe he never knew he had them to begin with...I'm sure any man out there would disagree with me!

Other than that, I've been working here and there when I get jobs. It's not as often as I thought it would be by now. I've been working an average of 3 days a week, but even some of those days are only half days. I can always find something to do around the house, but finding the motivation is sometimes a problem. And lately, I've been reluctant to take a job because I think the moment I do, Jaime will go into labor. I'm super anxious for her to have him. I just can't wait to see him and hold the little baby. So hopefully it won't be long.

Monday, September 14, 2009

30 Weeks

3/4 of the way done!

Baby Nate is almost 16 inches long and weighs approximately 3 pounds, he's a head of cabbage. There's about a pint of amniotic fluid which will start decreasing the bigger he gets. His eyesight is continuing to develop, which he will end up having 20/400 when he is born (which is just a few inches from his face).

I read the books and my email updates and they all differ slightly on his size and weight at this week, of course, because all babies are different. I wonder how much different Nathan really is. I had a doctor's appointment last week. In addition to gaining more weight, my belly is now measuring two weeks ahead instead of just one like it has been. When the doctor came in and looked at the chart he commented that the baby must have had a little growth spurt. He remeasured my belly to make sure and then checked my ankles for swelling. Well, no water retention so baby must be getting big. They still don't want to change the due date and when I read about it on the Internet, everything I see says that it is more accurate to determine the due date early on in pregnancy, rather than later. So, now I wonder if this just means I'm going to have a huge baby! And when the books say he's 3lbs., all I can think is, hmm, what is he really?

Things have been going well. I've been feeling really good and enjoying all of his movements. Well, minus the rib checks he gives me. Some days I'm a little more tired than others but I'm not sure if that's due to boredom. The nerve pain in my buttocks is back in full force, and this time in both cheeks. Sometimes it's not too bad and others it's too much to even walk around. I can't believe I'm 3/4 of the way done. It felt like I was just writing my post saying I was 20 weeks and half way done. Ten more weeks and I'll be having him. I'm very anxious to have him and meet, as I probably say every time I write. I just think about it so often; what he will look like, what he'll be like. I go in the nursery and look at the little clothes we have for him and can't wait to put them on. Even the little diapers. Is he really going to be that small!?! Well, maybe he won't be. :) I've started thinking about all the other stuff to and sometimes I get nervous. Am I going to be able to do this? Will I know what to do and what he wants? Will I get through the delivery okay? Everyone says it will be fine, millions of women give birth and motherly instincts kick in, but I still get nervous. This will be the biggest, most important job I've ever done. I just want to do it right and do a good job, do the best I can.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

28 weeks

In my third trimester!

Nathan is almost 15 inches long and about 2 1/4lbs, about the size of a chinese cabbage. He can blink his eyes and has little eyelashes. They say it is more of a reflex. He may also be able to see the light filtering in through my belly. His brain is developing millions of neurons. He's also adding more fat layers to his skinny little body.

I can't believe I'm in the 3rd trimester. While sometimes time doesn't seem to be going that quickly, I don't know where the first two trimesters went. I keep saying this is the good part of pregnancy and I'm not in a rush, but at the same time I'm still anxious about his arrival. I try to picture him and cannot wait to hold his tiny little body in my arms.

I have been feeling pretty good. I don't sleep through the night, but I am getting used to that. My back aches and my hips do too (usually during the night). I'm also getting nerve pain in my buttocks again, this time in the left cheek. But all of this is worth it when I feel him move around. The jabbing and poking and dancing around is getting more frequent and much stronger. Some nights when I'm reading in bed I think he's going to knock the book right out of my hands. Sometimes I can feel where he is too. I'm not feeling bony edges yet, but sometimes there are places that are much harder than others. I feel like I'm going to the bathroom constantly. And some days I'm super hungry while others I'm not.

Sometimes it's hard to be alone while pregnant. I get so excited about seeing my belly roll around with his movements. I tell the dogs to look but they don't seem to care at all! I even make them sniff my belly. They probably think I've lost my mind. But his movements keep me entertained and will stop me whenever I'm doing something because I want to feel every movement and absorb it all in. Such an incredible experience.

Jaime's Sprinkle

I threw Jaime a baby sprinkle (just a smaller version of a shower) on Sunday. It went well. I always get so nervous hosting parties, I don't know why. I guess I don't want to mess up and order adults around. Kids are much easier! We had some food, played some games--trivia, blindfolded baby diapering, baby outburst, & baby pictionary- and Jaime opened some gifts. Her mother-in-law brought a ho-ho cake and it was delicious! I could actually go for some more right now--I knew I should have said yes when Jaime asked if I wanted to bring any home! Afterwards we went out and looked at Jaime & Jeremy's new land. They have a lot of work ahead of them but it's going to be beautiful when it's all done.

I can't believe how close she is to her due date. I am so excited to meet and hold baby Landon. I predict she will go early so I guess we'll see here before too long!