Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kiss the Pacifier Good-Bye

For awhile now, Nate has been chewing on his paci's. With Maddie and all the changes that have happened, I didn't want to take away the one thing (besides his blankie) that he loves the most--yes, even more than mom and dad. So, I've been buying new paci's often to replace the chewed up paci so he doesn't choke on the pieces. I thought that by only giving him the paci at sleepy-times that he wouldn't chew up, or at least as fast. Well, he has been and we've been talking about getting rid of them but never find the "right" time to do it. That time came on Saturday.

It all started when Nate kicked Michael and so he took his paci away (standard punishment procedure). When the time came to get it back, Nate was still crying and screaming for it. We told him to stop and say please. He refused. Over and over. Thirty minutes into it (and in complete meltdown mode) I decided that this was it. I was not about to do this again. And since he wasn't giving in and neither were we (how hard is it to say please, for crying out loud!) the paci was gone. I brought him up to bed for his nap and there he carried on for another 30 minutes, finally falling asleep. It was very difficult not to give in. This was probably one of the worst meltdowns I have ever seen from him. His poor little eyes were red and swollen from crying so hard. I wanted to give it back so badly. All I could think is, just say please!

That was Saturday and now it is Tuesday. We have had some smooth and not so smooth bedtimes. I showed him the top of the fridge (where we kept them) and told him that they were all gone. He seemed to understand that but wasn't happy about it. I think he has done a good job so far, and even with the meltdowns, it could have been and could continue to be worse. He hasn't stolen Maddie's paci and today was the first day he hasn't asked for it for his nap. And of course, you know me, part of me is sad that my baby boy is leaving one more baby thing behind.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sleep, Sleep, and See-Ya

I never lay down for naps. Once I'm up for the day, I am up. I have to turn myself on otherwise I will not be able to function. Since Maddie was born I have had plenty of people tell me that I need to sleep when I get a chance. This is always great advice but I just never have been able to. If I do lay down then all I think about is what I need or want to do that I can't when the kids are awake. That all changed yesterday. Maddie went down for her nap at noon [which on a side note I am trying to make her fall asleep on her own for at least one nap a day to get used to it, so she fell asleep on her own in her bed] and then Nate went down at 12:30. I did a few things and then Maddie woke up at 1pm. I fed her and she fell right back to sleep. I got out my scrapbooking stuff but I just couldn't find the motivation to do it. I thought, I'll just lay on the couch for a bit, and I was OUT. It felt so good! And I guess the last 10 weeks without getting much sleep is finally catching up, because today when Nate when down for his nap, I snuggled up with Maddie on the couch and slept again. Oh my, now I'm in trouble. Can I get used to this thing called a nap? The housework will never get done! But it sure does feel good to get some extra sleep.

To keep you updated on Maddie's sleep: she slept from 8pm to 1am last night! She stirred a little when I went to bed at 10pm but didn't wake up. After that it was every 2 hours like normal, but this I feel is progress! If that first stretch of sleep just keeps getting longer and longer, pretty soon she will be sleeping through the night. Well, eventually. But I'll take any glimmer of hope. So even though I didn't get as long of a stretch, I am happy that she did and that we're on our way!

And now for the see-ya! We didn't go back to church for a few weeks after Maddie was born and when we did Nate really struggled with us leaving him in the nursery. He would cry and hang on to us. He was always fine within minutes but it was always hard to leave him like that. The last couple of weeks he just goes right in and starts playing; he could care less. Lately, he has also been the only one in the nursery since all the other boys have moved up to the 2/3 year old room. So today I decided to bring him in that room so he wouldn't be alone (it's only another month until he's 2 anyway). I thought since it was a new room he would be very clingy. Nope. He saw his friends and new toys and never looked back. While I'm glad he's not crying when I leave him, part of me wants him to. Don't grow up! Be sad when I leave! Haha! This growing up stuff is for the birds.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Poopy Hands

Because I think I've shared just about every good poopy story with you, it just wouldn't be right to not talk about the latest poop development: poopy hands. I'm not sure when exactly it started, but I do know it's been going on too long (twice is really too long and it's been plenty more than that). If Michael or I do not get to Nate's poopy diaper right away, he will. He will reach around and grab a handful of its contents and then show us. Sometimes it's better than that, he will go around grabbing other things first. Well, as I sit here after another poopy hands incident, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. This time it happened in his room, when he was supposed to be napping [on a side note I had already been up there once before because he had locked himself in the closet and was screaming]. All I know is that if he doesn't outgrow this soon, I might be trying to find 3T onesies...or a straight jacket.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Zoo & Aquarium

Every so often there is an itch to do something different; when work and life seem to be the same ol' everyday. When this happens we usually go on a little trip or vacation. With an almost 2 year old and a 2 month old, this was not going to happen this time. So, we decided to take a couple of days (spaced out a few days) and do something fun. The idea was to do things we might do on vacation but in our own "backyard". Even though it wasn't a full vacation or weekend getaway, it was still a lot.

Last Saturday we chose to go to the zoo. The weather was nice and so we thought we would take advantage of what might be one of the few nice days left this year. We went in the morning and so Nate did not get his nap. Mistake number one. Well, this really was the only mistake and the cause for all the meltdowns the rest of the day. He did have fun petting the goats, playing at the playground, and finding sticks, but he was not interested in the rest of the animals and was not happy about sitting in the stroller. There were times that he was good about holding hands and walking, but this was not the case all the time and so it resulted in lovely behavior.

Yesterday we went to the Newport Aquarium. This is a longer drive and so we left in the morning resulting in yet another day with no nap (at least not before the activities). You would think we would have learned, but nope, not us. The aquarium was beautiful but again, Nate was not interested. The frog section has an indoor play area (like a McDonald's play land) and he didn't even want to play in that, if that gives you any indication of his mood. I think this visit was worse than the zoo. There were some exhibits that he liked: the penguins and the jellyfish. He also like splashing in the shark pool until we got "lectured" that these are wild sharks and the fingers can appear like squid to the sharks and we have to follow proper petting techniques. Okay, no I don't want my child's fingers bitten off, but honestly the little bit of splashing was scaring them more than enticing. So there was another meltdown when he couldn't play in the water anymore. Thank you aquarium staff.

While it was nice to get away and do something different, until they get older we will have to plan these all day excursions AFTER nap time, even if that means just going for a little bit. We both agreed that these could have been much different experiences if that had happened. Lesson learned. :)