Monday, December 30, 2013

Nate is Four Years Old

I asked Nate what he wanted people to know about him, now that he is four years old. He said, "I do silly things." And, that pretty much sums it up.

He is our silly guy. He likes to make us laugh-making silly faces or making up silly words for things.  And you should see him dance.  He shakes his booty and twirls is hands around in the air. It is awesome. He is still really sweet and sensitive. Everyone is his best friend.

Right now he is at the stages of being both very independent.  He started taking showers (with some help from Mommy still) but is back to taking baths.  Some days he will pick out his clothes and get himself dressed and other days I have to do it all for him.  He even still wants to be fed sometimes, which is slightly pushing it. :)

He loves: his little guys (action figures), peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (he would eat them for all three meals everyday if I let him), his Daddy (big time Daddy's boy right now), being outside.