Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Lights

We've driven around a couple night looking at lights.  We just love it!  Might even go out again one last time Christmas night.  Nate is obssessed with Santa this year and so he is only interested in the houses that have santas as part of their decor.  And the minute we find one he's ready to find the next.  Maddie doesn't seem to care much about the lights but every now and now we'll hear a little "ooh" from the backseat. Hopefully next year we will be able to drive around a little longer.  Either Maddie gets fussy being in the car too long or Nate has to use the bathroom.  But it's fun while it lasts!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sickness Hits the House

Nate woke up from his nap on Monday afternoon very whiny and crying.  While he his moods have gotten a lot better after waking up, there are still some days that are not so great.  Monday was one of them.  So when he woke up in this state I didn't think much of it, in fact, tried to hush him so he wouldn't wake the baby.  However, within minutes he was throwing up all over the floor.  We made it to the bathroom but most of the damage was done.  He continued to throw up the rest of the evening and had become so weak that by bedtime I decided I was going to sleep with him, scared he'd choke on his own puke. 

{Nate has never gotten the flu or stomach bug before so this is my first time dealing with this.  I feel fortunate that he is 3 years old and just getting it for the first time, but man, did it break my heart to see him like this.  He just laid on the couch all afternoon and would cry everytime he'd get sick.  It was terrible.}

By 1am, Nate and I were sharing the bucket in his room.  Yep, the bug got me too.  Not long after that Maddie woke up crying.  Nooooo! I went to check on her and sure enough, she had gotten sick in her bed and it was all over her head.  So I had to strip down her sheet and wash her in the tub.  I was feeling miserable and praying that Michael would not get it so he could take care of us the next day.  But while I was getting Maddie into new clothes he woke up, sick too.  So he spent the rest of the night with Nate and I spent the rest of the night on the floor with Maddie, all of us completely miserable. 

By morning Mads was feeling better.  Nate was no longer throwing up but was still sickly and laid around all day.  Michael and I just tried to survive, lying on the couches, sharing the bucket, feeling like dying.  It. Was. Terrible.  The longest day ever.  I'm glad the kids were not puking all day too, but it took everything in us to take care of them while feeling that bad.  I never expected the bug to hit us all at the same time and I hope it never happens again. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

First Christmas Celebration

We kicked off our first Christmas celebration at Michael's parents this past Saturday.  A couple of years ago we started spacing out holiday visits and I love it!  It makes the holidays less stressful, not having to travel everywhere in just a couple of days. 

It was fun and I enjoyed watching the kids open their presents.  Maddie still needs help but likes to see what's inside. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Donuts with Santa

 Instead of standing in line at the mall forever, we were fortunate to be able to visit Santa at Grace Lutheran Church, where we go to MOPS.  The MOPS group organized a visit with Santa last Saturday morning.  It was wonderful and can I say again how happy we are that we are in MOPS this year!  There were tables set up to enjoy donuts and an area to decorate little wooden ornaments.  Santa was set up in a secluded area on the back stage and we had to wait a total of 5 minutes!  Nate got right on his lap (wasn't sure how this would go since this is the first time we have done this) and talked to Santa for a little bit while we snapped some pictures.  We put Maddie on his lap at the last minute and she wanted nothing to do with it and was off immediately.  I'm lucky I even got one picture!  We had a big breakfast before we went so no donuts for us (although they were screaming for me to eat them) so afterwards Nate colored some ornaments and then we left.  It was smooth, quick, and fun!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Nap Time

Nate slept during nap time yesterday. Why am I telling you this, you ask? Because, for the last week Nate has NOT slept during nap time.  And as I write this now, during nap time today, I can hear him in there playing.  So comes the time that the naps get faded out.  Enter not-so-quiet time.  Well, he actually doesn't do too bad playing in his room, just at times gets loud roaring or jumping around.  And about half way into it he always poops so I have to go in there and change him.  Not so much of a full break from kids for me anymore but at least they are still both contained for 2 hours a day. :)