Monday, January 31, 2011

Nate's 1st Haircut

We took Nate to get his first haircut on Friday. We took him up to Cookie Cutters in Greenwood. It's designed just for kids and thought it would be the perfect place & experience for his first cut. It was a pretty awesome place. The waiting area had a small playground area for the kids, so he was entertained while we waited. Good start.

The chair that was used for him to sit in was a car, so he could sit in the car and move the steering wheels around and honk the horn. There was also a small tv in front of him so he could watch cartoons while she cut his hair. The tv didn't really spark his interest, maybe because he never watches SpongeBob and doesn't know what it is. Now if NickJr or PBSKids were on, then he probably would have been glued to the tv.

The haircut itself went pretty well. I had to hold his hands during the times she was around his ears, but for the most part he sat there without moving around too much (for a one year old). He started getting upset at the end, over the time limit apparently, but she finished up quickly and he was done. Now my little baby looks like such a big boy! Makes Mommy so sad.

And when he was all finished and cleaned off, the lady gave him a balloon, which has kept him entertained all weekend.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Story Time & Cabin Fever

Story time at the library has definitely changed since our very first visit. Reminder: our first visit Nate sat on my lap the entire time just looking around and taking it all in. Not. Any. More.

Now, he'll sit on every other mother's lap but mine. I am the only mom there with no child by her. He will go sit by another mommy or sit on her lap or hug her. Which, if he would stay on someone else's lap the entire time, I would be happy. But that is short lived. He runs around getting into everything he's not supposed to and trying to rip posters off the wall. Last week when they had to put their noise makers back in the box he threw such a fit I had to take him out of the room. Sometimes he just laughs and dances in the middle of the room, which is adorable, and I don't mind at all. It's just getting into EVERYTHING that is a constant battle.

So, if he's like that there, you can imagine what he's like at home. He is into everything. It is absolutely exhausting running behind him to clean up everything. He doesn't like things where they belong and will empty boxes and bins and drawers so that there is a pile of stuff on the floor. Only then is he content with his work. He knocks over his play table and basketball hoop. he has even lifted and knocked over his highchair. He can now open toilet lids and doors, so our "safe" zones are no longer.

And if you combine this with winter and I'm about to go crazy! It seems like the more into winter we get, the less I can think about anything else but spring. I cannot wait to get out of the house into some fresh air. I think of all the things we can do during the day that we cannot do now. Winter is frustrating! I would take him outside to play but 1) it's been so cold and 2) he's been sick and it's more exhausting when he's sick than when he's destructive. So day in and day out we are stuck inside. That is why we continue to go to the library each week. At least for the one hour a week, even if it's just as exhausting running after him there as it is here, at least it's four different walls.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First Trimester Recap

When I was pregnant with Nate, I was constantly updating my blog on all the changes. Now I can't believe an entire trimester has gone by and I don't think I've said anything about the pregnancy except to announce it. The last couple of months are a slight blur, but I cannot be happier that they are done. I can some up the first trimester with one word: miserable.

I found out I was pregnant the first week of December, taking a test because I wasn't feeling well. It just got worse from there. On top of the morning sickness, which really can be called all-day sickness, I had a cold that developed into a severe sinus infection. So most of the month was spend blowing my nose and throwing up. I was completely exhausted and felt like death. The worst of it came during Christmas weekend, which was spent, for the most part, at home on the couch or in bed.

Through January I have had morning sickness, but about a week ago it start to subside. I still feel a bit sick if I go too long without eating and so I have to snack throughout the day. This is where the pregnancy weight comes on. I still feel tired but that is probably a combination of being pregnant and running after Nate. He is into everything! But I'll save that for another post. :)

As for changes, my belly is the good and chunky, but I'm not really big enough for maternity clothes yet. I live in sweatpants, unless I have to go somewhere and then the pants are left unbuttoned. And even though this is the second time around, it amazes me the developments that are made in the first months. It's crazy that the baby is the size of a lemon but is fully developed--even has little tiny fingernails! Truly a miracle!

Date Night Weekend

My sister and I decided in order to get more dates in, that we would start (or at least try) babysitting for each other once a month. Our first date was last Saturday, and my wonderful sister volunteered to keep Nate overnight, so our date night turned into a date weekend. Can a I get a yahoo! or woohoo! or something here!?! It was so very needed to get a break and enjoy some time together without a one year screaming in the background.

So on Saturday we dropped him off and headed back up north. We went up to Southport to eat at Longhorn's, our absolute favorite place to get a steak. We had a little bit of a wait, but with no child it's not so bad. Dinner was delicious and we were so full by the end that the dessert were planning on ordering at the beginning of dinner did not happen. After dinner we came back down to Columbus and went to a movie. It didn't start until 10:30pm, which I'm usually passed out by 10pm, and so I didn't know how I would even make it through the entire thing. I think all the sugar in the m&m's helped, because I made it through just fine.

It was so nice to sleep in, but even better was being able to just lie in bed and slowly wake up and not have to get up and get Nate. We decided to go to IHop for breakfast before heading down to get Nate from Jaime's.

It was such a nice weekend and thank you again to wonderful Aunt Jaime for watching Nate! We love you!

Welcome Dinner

A couple of Sundays ago there was a dinner at church, welcoming all new members. I'm so excited to finally be a member of a church and thought it would be fun to go to dinner and see our church family and meet more members. They had a wonderful spread of food: Italian food and yummy cake for dessert. But of course, I didn't get to enjoy much of it. I think Nate made it 5 minutes into dinner before throwing a fit. I didn't want to ruin everyone else's dinner so I took him into the hallway to run around, leaving my full plate of delicious food on the table. Michael joined us shortly after, eating his food very quickly so I could go back and eat, but by then I was done. Not too much later the Herter kids joined Nate in playing in the entry way.

So it might not have been the most enjoyable dinner experience, nor did I have the chance to really meet people or socialize. But this is my life right now and that's okay. I am glad we're part of a church and had the opportunity to go to something like this and, of course, it's always a memory made.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Puppies in Our Yard

A lady that lives a couple doors down from us came to the door the other night with a puppy, asking he was ours. I was thinking, well maybe she thinks it is our dog because we own a dog already. I told her, although extremely adorable, it was not our dog. She told me that she found the dog in our backyard last night. Around 11pm it was whining so loud that she heard it from her house and came out to investigate. How Sammy did not hear this and wake up the whole house is still a mystery. She also went on to tell me that this was not the first dog that she had found in our backyard. A couple of weeks ago she and her fiance found a badly beaten up puppy nearly frozen. Luckily they were able to save it. What!?! All I could think is how are these dogs getting into my yard? After talking with my Grandma, she thought that someone might be putting the dogs in my yard. Definitely a possibility. Hopefully this is the last we will see or hear of puppies in our backyard.

While I was talking to the lady, she came into the front entrance with the dog to get out of the cold. Nate just loved the puppy, petting him and letting him lick his hands. He just kept smiling and talking to the puppy, absolutely in love. After the lady and the puppy left, Nate was so mad. I think he thought it was my fault. He started crying and threw a big ol' temper tantrum. He wanted nothing to do with me. Well, I guess I at least know now that puppies rank higher than mommy.