Thursday, August 26, 2010

He Crawls

That's right, Nate is finally crawling! And now that he is, look out! We started baby proofing the house awhile ago, since he's been able to get around by rolling and scooting, but you quickly find out all the other things you didn't think about when they can really crawl and pull themselves up. But it's fun to watch him crawl and follow me into rooms. He's really becoming such a big boy! His new favorite activity is sliding the kitchen chair back and forth. His second is playing in Sammy's water bowl. So I moved that so hopefully he won't find it, at least for awhile. We knew he'd be crawling, but just didn't know when. He's been scooting and rolling for awhile, so this wasn't a "he just started crawling all of a sudden" thing. The last few days he would move a hand forward and then his knees and then flop down. It was a learning process and you could almost see the gears working as he began to figure out the process. It amazes me how babies learn these things without anyone really telling them how. And it's not like I crawl around to show him, well, not that often.

In unrelated news, the battle to get him to eat people food continues. And lately the battle to get him to eat stage 3 baby food continues as well. He won't eat the cut up fruit or the cheerios or the oatmeal. He will eat his teether biscuits and baby fish crackers and smooth baby food. And above all he still prefers his milk. I guess we will just keep trying. I think, like the crawling, one day he will just decide to do it.

Monday, August 23, 2010

9 Months

How has that much time passed already!?! I know I seem to write that at every monthly milestone, but it's true. I feel like my baby is gone and he's quickly becoming a big boy. He's still not crawling, but I think that's because he's figured out how to get what he needs without crawling. He will roll or scoot (he hops on his knees and then falls forward) until he can reach what he wants. And the most recent development is now he can pull himself up. And does he ever, on everything. He's not walking the furniture yet, but he sure can get around. He now says "mama" and "bo" and "ya". Okay, they're probably all just a bunch of sounds but it's fun to pretend he's talking back to me--remember I'm home all day, just him and me. He's a funny baby and laughs deep belly laughs and smiles all the time. He's absolutely adorable and I could stare at him forever (not bias at all). I'm going to start introducing more "human food". He's not one for textures or chunks, likes his baby food because it's smooth and easy to go down. And now I fear I've created this lazy baby. I was reading in the baby book that this may cause problems later. So today while grocery shopping I bought fruits and crackers and other things that I can chop up or that he can chew up to give him to eat. It's harder because I still can't give him dairy or bananas, but when we go to his check up next week we will talk to the doctor about all that. One year old is right around the corner, but not yet! So I will enjoy my baby Nate as long as I can and soak in all these precious moments while I have them.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Hello 30!

The day has been looming for quite some time and yesterday it happened, I turned 30. How did this happen? Wasn't I just 25? 18? 5? In the years leading up to this day I didn't think that I would have a problem with it at all. Just another year, just another birthday. Well, in the days leading up to it, it got harder and harder. What is it about turning 30? I thought about the past decade and all the changes. I joined the military. Deployed. Got out. Fell in love. Got married. Had a baby. Traveled, a lot. Went to school and graduated. Moved to Indiana. Bought a house. Adopted a puppy. And those are just the big things. Not enough time to mention all the small memories that can be just as significant. So I've decided that instead of being sad that my 20's are going, I'm going to look forward to my 30's, excited to see what is in store for me.

The whole weekend was a celebration, thanks to my amazing husband. On Saturday we went out to dinner at Joe's Crab Shack up in Greenwood. So yummy. It has been years since I've been to a Joe's. We had a good dinner (tried crab dip for the first time) and the environment there is perfect for Nate--he enjoyed the music and the bright colored t-shirts. Afterwards we headed over to Babies R Us, which seems to be our favorite store ever since Nate came along. We never get tired of looking at/buying things for the kid. We got a new front carrier since the one he has is too small (big surprise) and it's much easier to carry him around in the carrier than to hold him. We ended the night with a stop at DQ for some blizzards.

On Saturday Jaime, Jeremy, and the boys came up to cook out for dinner. Jaime and I went to get pedicures while the boys stayed at home (ah, freedom!). We also stopped at the outlet mall to pick up some clothes for Lucas. When we got home there were a few cars out front. I thought, I don't think it's just going to be a cook out today! I walked in to a house full of people all shouting 'surprise'! I found out later Michael had been planning this party for awhile and I had no idea. Sneaky man. It really made me feel special that he went through all the work to plan and put together this party for me. It was so good to see friends and family and have them here to celebrate turning 30 with me. There were balloons and decorations all over the house. Michael got two cakes, a regular cake and an ice cream cake. And now with our patio, it was nice to be able to have people inside and out, and the kids enjoyed the play set. It worked out really nice and I see many future parties/get togethers here.

It was a fantastic way to kick off the new decade of my life. I am happy and healthy. Life is good and I am blessed.

Friday, August 6, 2010

When Baby Fat Isn't Cute

Skimming through a baby magazine, I come across this mini-article. The first line: "Wondering why your little one is slow to crawl?" Hmmm....Nate is over 8 months old and still not crawling. Getting close, but not quite there. So I continue on. "If she's a bit on the chubby side, her pudge may be holding her back. A recent study...found that babies who have more fat lag behind leaner ones when it comes to mastering gross motor skills..." Okay, so I've heard this before from people, but it's good to see it in print, and from a study done at some university. To be honest, it's hard not to compare, darn that facebook where I can see all those other mommies bragging about their babies accomplishments. But then there's a part of me that doesn't care, knows he will crawl in his own time (unless he goes straight to walking) and is enjoying the fact that he's not all over the house yet getting into everything. So why does that little voice creep in and say, wow, your baby is not crawling yet? What's wrong? Nothing, I reply! And now I have an article that says so. :)

Wisconsin Trip

Our trip up to Wisconsin went really well. It was nice to see friends and family and to visit the place I grew up. While traveling with two families and small children is not always the easiest or stress free, we were able to do everything we wanted to do and had a good time.

We left late Wednesday night, figuring that the kids would sleep in the car all the way up and we were right. We stopped for gas around 3am and they woke up and were wide awake. Jaime and I thought they'd never go back to sleep. But as soon as we hit the road, they were all back to sleep. We left a little sooner coming back to Indiana, leaving after dinner. Nate fell asleep but woke up a couple of hours later. We stopped and fed the kids, but I knew the stop wouldn't be long enough for Nate, thinking he just had a nap, not down for the night. So it wasn't long after we got back on the road that we had to pull over again because he was not happy. The Toppes went on ahead as their kids were still peacefully asleep. We only had to stop once more on the way home, making it back home around 6am. So traveling, in my opinion, went much smoother than expected!

A run down of the things we did while we were there: We had a cook out at the park on Saturday and invited friends and family to come down. It was so good to see some faces that we haven't seen in years--some over a decade! We also were able to view the house we grew up in. It's currently for sale and the realtor let us in to look around. So many memories came flooding back walking through the rooms. We watched my brother Matt play a baseball game. Went out to breakfast with my Dad, brothers Kenny and Matt and Matt's girlfriend Tiffany. Went out to dinner with my sister Kathy and her family and Dad and Linda. Went up to Jody's house and met little baby Mason (so tiny!) and walked around the farm. Went paddle boating out on the lake a couple of times. Definitely a sight to see us out there paddling around! Went to the park, went shopping, went out for Friday fish fry. The highlight was going up to Jim Peck's Wildwood Zoo. We pet and fed goats and pigs and rabbits. Fed juice to a bear. Nate grabbed a deer's antlers. Just awesome.

I'm not sure if I'm leaving anything out. Of course in pure Nate style not only did he poop on my brother's rug but also all over my niece Katie. In his defense, that augmentin is not his friend. I'm really glad we went up and hopefully it won't be as long before our next trip up there.