Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Double Wellness Visit

I always appreciate when the pediatrician's office can get both kids in on the same day.  Nate was due for his 3-year check up and it was also time for Maddie's 15 month visit.  It is so nice to get them both knocked out at one time-going to the doctor is not always the funnest time.

Both kids are (surprise) big and healthy! Nate now gets an eye exam and his blood pressure checked.  He did very well sitting through the whole exam.  He was bored easily with the eye exam-he does not do well when asked repeatedly what something is and so he shut down half way through.  She seemed to think his eyes were good enough (she said it was 20/30, but now sure how she could tell).  I didn't think they did eye exams until the Kindergarten visit so I'm not concerned.  Nate is 39 lbs (93%) and 40 1/2 inches (95%).  Everything looks good except for the few skin spots (behind the knees, etc. that are constant problem areas), BUT he will need to start seeing a speech therapist.  His doctor said that she should understand 75% of his words and she understands about 25%.  At first she was going to wait until June and if I was the only one still understanding him most the time, then she was going to recommend speech therapy, but listening to him during the visit I guess she reconsidered.  It's upsetting although I know lots of kids go through speech (me being one for my "r's") but I'm glad he is going to get the help he needs to help his communication improve and be ready in time for school. 

Maddie is healthy and happy, except when she received her 4 shots.  Brutal.  She's hysterical and Nate is feigning an injury on his leg on the seat next to us so he can have a shiny band aid too. He's something else.  Maddie, of course, is also high on the charts- 26lbs 11oz (95%) and 33 1/2 inches (100%).  She will be excited tomorrow morning when Nate takes his vitamins because the doctor said she can have them too!  She always gets so upset when she can't have any. :) 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Nate is Three Years Old!

Nate had his 3rd birthday this past week.  Three years old! Time is really going by fast. Three is such a big change, no more toddler--now a preschooler, and boy, does it feel like it!  He just seems so much older this past month, with his speech, potty training, and need to do things on his own.  He is a big helper and is a little funny man.  He also likes to point out when Maddie is doing something naughty, but also shows her so much brotherly love (usually with unwanted hugs around her neck!) that it all balances out.

The birthday celebrations started on Thursday with Thanksgiving at Mamaw and Papaw's house.  We enjoyed a delicious dinner and then Nate opened his present from them. He was so excited, jumping up and down. 

On Saturday we gave him his presents from us (new train set and train table).  He loves them and it has been such a good babysitter, eh hem, gift for him, keeping him busy. :)

Saturday evening the Toppes came up with more gifts and fun!  Nate has been talking all week about Landon and Lucas and his "birthday party" and monkey cake.  Even though it wasn't a party he wouldn't have known the difference, all he needed was his Landon.  They kept busy with all the new toys, while the rest of us played the XBox Kinect.  I don't have any good pictures of our dance moves, but trust me, they were good. ;) 

Attitude & Independence

Maddie is always the star of the show, cheesing it up with everyone she sees.  She has this toothy grin that is the cutest thing ever!  As cute as she is, she is also has just as much attitude.  Well, maybe not as much, but definitely more than she ever used to have!  She now gives us the shoulder when she doesn't like something and has begun hitting when she's upset.  Ah, the wonderful stages of toddlerhood!  She is also trying to talk a lot, making sounds for most things, but "baby" and "boot" come out pretty good (she has a favorite pair of boots she loves to wear).  She is also a little bit gangsta and if you're lying on the ground don't be surprised if she comes over and stomps your face.  Good thing there's no curbs in the living room. :)

Nate is my big boy.  He is doing so well with potty training.  He is going poop in the potty and a couple of days ago we started putting pants on with the underwear and he's been doing a good job with that.  He still has some accidents but is pretty good about telling me when he has to go.  He is becoming more independent and likes to put his underwear on himself (which sometimes results in him wearing them backwards) and now likes to be alone in the bathroom when he poops.  He will call for me when he is done so I can wipe. He has to have the door shut and everything.  Privacy demands at three. 

I am chopped liver when Dad is around, not good enough to help him eat, get dressed, read books at night, the list could go on and on.  Oh well. Yeah right, I'm crying inside! Haha!

It's exciting getting ready for the Christmas season.  We put up the tree on Friday.  Well, I put it up.  The kids were so excited when I got the tree box out and brought it downstairs and after branch #2 they were done...ditched me to go play with their toys.  So I finished the tree and then we decorated on Saturday morning.  We put the ornaments up high so the bottom of the tree is empty but so far they have done a good job leaving it alone. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Only One Stroller Walk

The weather this weekend has been absolutely beautiful!  After some quite chilly weather and knowing that a whole winter is ahead of us, we took this opportunity for some outdoor play.  This also included a little walk around the neighborhood.  I pulled both strollers out and began connecting them when Nate got behind Maddie's stroller, ready to push.  I asked him if he wanted to ride in his stroller and after a "no" from him and some consideration from me, I decided to give it a try.  So we set off, Nate pushing Maddie and me with Sammers. 

I wish I had my camera! Such a precious moment...my baby boy so big, pushing his little sister.  It was weird but nice to walk side by side down the street with him, having a conversation of sorts (mostly consisted of "look" and pointing at various objects).  Just a memory I want to hold onto, as they keep growing so fast and pretty soon there won't be any strollers on our walks.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Daddy's Home!

Michael is home! Woot! Woot! He arrived home late Wednesday night.  He did drive through some of the storms but nothing too terrible.  The kids were already in bed when he got home so they didn't see him until after work the next day.  I had a doctor's appointment and so I wasn't home when they got up from their naps.  It took a little bit for Nate to warm up to him (probably didn't help to wake up and find me gone) but once he did he was glued to Daddy's side the whole night.  It is good to have him home. 

Potty training update: It's still a work in progress. I don't know exactly how long potty training takes, but am expecting it to be awhile, especially for the #2 business.  He is doing great as long as he has just his underwear on and no pants.  So we're still restricted to underwear just at home for now.  He did have an accident last night but caught it in the middle, I think he had to go really bad, but at least finished in the potty!  Still no pooping in the potty; he holds it for when the diaper goes back on, but definitely preferring that to in the underwear.  I'm proud of him and think he's doing great!

Maddie is babbling like crazy.  She wants to talk so badly.  She is trying too!  She has gotten into this wonderful habit of screaming to get more food.  I told her the other day to say please and out came the 'p' sound!  She does it pretty consistently now, whenever she wants something I tell her to say please and she says 'p'! 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

Last weekend we decided to carve our pumpkins.  I figured that Nate probably wouldn't want to touch the insides, but thought Maddie would care yet at this age about digging into gross stuff.  Well, neither of them wanted to get in there and help so carving pumpkins consisted of me doing it all.  They did point to where they wanted their eyes, nose, and mouth, but that's about it.  We did pick up a couple small pumpkins as well and painted them.  The kids had fun with that!

On Halloween we put a bowl of candy out on the porch and headed to Fall Family Fest at church.  This would have been their first year trick o' treating, but with Michael gone, I didn't want him to miss out on anything.  They're at an age that they don't know any different anyway so it's not a big deal.  Probably more disappointing for me not to dress them up. Nate did have fun seeing all the costumes as we were driving into town.  He saw a Buzz and various other characters that he thought was just the greatest to see walking down the street. 

We had a good time at the fest.  I wasn't sure how long we'd last but the kids did great! It was hard to keep eyes on both but Nate was glued to Anderson and they spent most of the time in the bouncy house.  I don't have any pictures, my hands were a little full, but most of them would have been a blur anyway. :) But we lasted until around 7pm and both kids ate their dinner! (this is a success if you could have seen how badly Nate wanted to play but sat and ate his hot dog and chips until they were all gone).