Friday, June 28, 2013

A Couple of Funnies

I don't know if you'll find them funny, but I do and so here it is!

I heard Nate crying in his room. I went up to check on him and he was telling me "throw up".  I heard "nose" in there too, but when I hear throw up I don't stand still for long.  I quickly ushered him into the bathroom just for him to blow his nose into the toilet. "Whew, mommy, my nose throw up!"

I was making out the shopping list.  I explained to Nate that I was writing down new underwear for him because his are too small.  He replied, "cuz my butt's so big?".

He's constantly saying hilarious or random things. I should have a notebook handy because these are the only two I remember.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Let the Potty Training Begin Again

Maddie peed in the potty tonight! She has been taking steps towards getting ready for potty training for a couple of months. She asks to sit on the potty, usually pushing hard with no results but a bunch of smiles and giggles. She has been telling me lately before she poops or right afterwards. 

Nate never used the floor potty seat, just the one that goes on the toilet seat, however Maddie is younger than he was when he started and therefore smaller.  So I thought it might be a good idea to get the floor potty seat out and see what happens. She thought that it was great fun but for not much more than sitting on. So there it has sat not seeing one tiny little drop.  So last week we went to the store and I bought her some Minnie Mouse underwear. This is a big deal.  She wanted to wear those babies so badly.  We gave it a shot.  First pair ended up in the garbage-I don't think I have to tell you what I won't clean out of underwear.  So we just went back to diapers.  Last night she wanted to wear "mouse" so much that after bath I put a pair on.  Not more than 10 minutes in she's wet and so is our carpet. Still not ready. 

And then there was tonight. Ahhh! {music playing and the town cheering} I was giving her a bath and she kept telling me "potty", so I'd get her out of the tub and on the potty just for her to play around. I was getting tired of it and was ready to just ignore her when she cried "potty" again.  But I didn't. I am so glad. She got out of the tub and sat down and we heard the glorious sound of tinkle in the potty!

Now I know that this is just the start. Nate peed in the potty for the first time in August and wasn't potty trained until October, but THIS IS THE START! We are all very excited and after gobbling down some jelly beans and putting "mouse" on again, she is excited and we are hopeful.