Sunday, November 28, 2010


We look forward to Thanksgiving each year, especially Michael, as it's his favorite holiday. I can't say this year was a complete bust, but it didn't start or end very well. We were getting ready to head down to Bedford for dinner when I noticed Sammy still had not come to the back door to come inside. I knew it would be bad because it was raining and there's no way she's going to stay outside longer than she has to...unless there is something of interest. And there was. One Mr. Bunny Rabbit. By the time Michael got to her she had made her way under the shed, so she was covered in mud. If there is a positive note in this, the bunny got out on the other side safely so there's actually two positives: 1, no bunny carcass to clean up and 2, Sammy came back out from under the shed willingly. But then it was straight to the tub to clean her up and then Drano the tub due to the hair and mud mixture. And then finally clean ourselves up and get out the door. Dinner at Michael's parents was good and his sister and her family came over later to visit. So the middle part of the day was good. However, we had to leave sooner than we had hoped because Nate was getting so tired and cranky he was terrible. It was hard for him to get a nap in there because of the noise and excitement, so he wasn't going to last if we stayed any longer.

So even though the day didn't go exactly as planned, as I reflect now on it (and even though I did not feel this way Thursday), I think I may not necessarily be happy that Sammy was a mess or Nate was a terror, but it means I have a precious son and naughty, but adorable dog, both part of my amazing family. And for all the downs that might happen throughout the days, weeks, or months, it just reminds me to focus on the important and the good. I am so thankful that I have people in my life that I love and that love me too.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nate is One

So the day I've been dreading and looking forward to is finally here, Nate is one year old! While I'm so excited for this next part in his life and all the new things this means, he is now officially a toddler and I am sad that he is no longer a baby. Although I think he will always be my baby.

He's walking now. He usually doesn't get too far before falling down, but he's always so proud either way. It seemed to happen just like that. He was taking a couple of steps at a time and then one day he just got the hang of it. He loves to walk and will get up after falling down several times just to keep practicing. Although if he wants to get somewhere quickly, he will crawl (like to Daddy when he comes home from work or to the dog food bowl because he still thinks he can beat me there).

He's also completely on cow's milk now too. Yes, I'm finally done with the pumping!! I cannot express how exciting this is for me. I officially stopped last Friday, and was down to only pumping once a day, but it felt so good to pack up the pump and put it in the closet. He won't take his milk right out of the fridge, but I am working on heating it less and less so now it's not even lukewarm but more of a room temperature. My plan is to slowly decrease it until he will take it straight out of the fridge.

He can also drink sitting up! This is a big accomplishment for him. I've been trying to teach him for awhile now, but every time he wouldn't know to raise the bottle up so he wouldn't get any milk. He would become frustrated and throw the bottle across the room. He can also drink out of a sippy cup, but only the soft spout type. Which is also an accomplishment because for the longest time he thought sippy cups were chew toys and would just chew on the end. So now we have to work on drinking out of a regular sippy cup.

I think those are the only big changes from last month.

How am I doing with him turning one you ask? I'm okay. If I think about it too much I will get sad. And I've been looking through all his old pictures lately. It doesn't help that I have baby fever again either. But I always try to remind myself that every stage is exciting and that I'm going to enjoy it all, and hopefully stop here and there long enough to really take it all in. Because I know that life goes by quickly and I don't want to take these moments for granted.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Nate's 1st Birthday Party

We celebrated Nate's first birthday on Saturday!
Lucas and Naurissa helping Nate open his presents

Landon "helping" Nate play (aka take away)with his new toys

Nate's Moose and Zee cake

enjoying his birthday cake

so messy!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nasal Infection

It's like a sinus infection. That's what the pediatrician told me. It would probably go away on its own, in time, but then we run the risk of ear infections and all that jazz, so now Nate is on amoxicillin for 10 days. I brought him in to the doctor yesterday morning because he's had a persistent cough and runny nose for over 2 weeks. I wanted to make sure it was just a cold and nothing more. I'm glad I did. The doctor also said a typical cold should only last 10 days and so now I know in the future about how long before bringing him in. He had a good day yesterday but he's back to fussiness today. I think he misses Daddy.

Monday, November 15, 2010


He's napping so I'm going to take a few moments to sit back and breathe. He has wore me out today! The morning started very well. He woke up happy and when I brought him downstairs he was as happy as can be. It was short lived. The majority of the morning was spent whining. I know he's not feeling good. He has had a runny nose for quite some time and developed a nasty cough last week. So I think that may be part of it. But a small part. I think he is just being whiny. I've decided he has become too spoiled and has developed a very bad attitude. He will throw a nice fit when he can't have or do something he wants. It is now very hard to take him out anywhere because of this. I think it is in part because he is learning to walk and does not want to be stuck in a cart or stroller. But it is my fault too. I have spoiled him and given in to him and he knows it. So now my patience and sanity are going to be tried to the fullest as I attempt to retrain him. It won't be easy, because as I am quickly finding out, he can whine and whine and whine. You would think he would get tired of it, but nope. The hardest part is not giving in, which I'm not the best at, but I know I need to.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Weekend Retreat

This past weekend Michael and I went to Operation Restoration, a couples retreat for veteran's and their significant others. It was nice to get together with other couples that are dealing with transition and post-deployment issues. There were so many small details that made the weekend so special and memorable, but I won't list them all, I'll just say the VA did an excellent job. It was also nice just to get away. Even though it was just in Henryville, it felt like we were on vacation. It was our first overnight away from Nate (let alone 2 nights!) and even though it was hard for me to leave him, I realized how much I needed that break.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11 Months

Okay, so I'm behind. Nate turned 11 months October 23rd, and today is November 2nd. Better late than never, right? Not a whole lot had changed since the last month, but in the last week , there have been a few changes, so maybe there's a reason I didn't get a chance to update until now.

Nate is officially done eating baby food. After several time of having the stuff splattering across the floor because he pushed it out of my hands, I figured he does not want it! So after his refusal to eat baby food, also came his refusal to eat anything but graham crackers and milk. This was literally his diet for three days. But eventually he decided to start eating food, real people food! Although he is still refusing my scrambled eggs. So now he can eat dinner with us if it's something he can have, otherwise I bought little toddler meals. He loves them! He also loves mashed potatoes and I bet he would eat them everyday if I made them. But his favorite is still the graham crackers. After he's done eating his meal I'll give him some and he gets so excited when he sees it.

I'm also working on the sippy cup/drinking while sitting thing. He does not drink from the bottle while sitting. I try to show him that he has to tip the bottle up and his head back, but he just gets frustrated, screams, and throws the bottle. I've also been trying the sippy cup but he thinks the end is just for chewing on.

After 11 months of not sleeping through the night, I've decided enough is enough. No more night time feedings. I know this is my fault for letting it go on as long as it has. I just started and it's going okay. I've decided nothing before 5am. The other night he slept through the night and didn't request the bottle until 5am. Last night he started around 3am, and I think it's just going to be a hard habit to break. So he whimpered and cried on and off until 5am, I think he must have fallen asleep in between with periods of silence. But he made it until 5am without a screaming fit, so maybe he's learning.

It's fun to watch him learn and play. He puts the ball in the hole, plays peek-a-boo with his blankie (which is become his security and will instantly stop his crying), and walks around with his walker which he thinks is the coolest thing ever. He took his first steps and takes a step each day but one step is max. His favorite song is Twinkle Twinkle and his face just lights up when you start singing it. He is also getting quite the attitude and really lets it show when he can't have something (like the remote that he always wants), diaper changes, or getting dressed. But I'll take it because all I need to see is that baby toothy grin each day and it's all worth it.