Friday, June 8, 2012

Big Scares

We had a couple of pretty good scares with Nate this week.  Raising a boy will be the death of me.  We have a shelf that hold baskets of toys in the living room.  On Monday he went to pull out one of the baskets but it stuck, causing the whole shelf to go down.  The top edge caught him right across the nose.  Luckily he was okay, no broken nose, but he got a pretty good bruise across his nose.  You always hear of furniture falling on kids and when we first got the shelf I was so afraid of that happening.  But we never secured it to the wall and I always stayed right by him when he was around it.  But after so long and no accidents happening, I became complacent and didn't really think it would happen.  It was very scary and gave him a pretty good scare too.  He now asks every time he wants a basket out.

Yesterday we went up to the pool in the afternoon, a last minute 'hey it's hot out, let's cool off!' decision.  My friend (who is also my neighbor) Mikki came with us.  We went up to the Atterbury pool and played in the kiddie pool.  We weren't there too long when all of a sudden Nate tripped and went down.  The water in the deep end is only two feet deep, so if he would have just stood up he would have been fine.  However, he panicked. He started flailing, head under water, and once I saw his feet kicking and him not coming up I knew he was not going to get above water on his own. I was with Maddie and I couldn't leave her so I yelled to Mikki to get him. She jumped over and got him (probably only five feet from him) and pulled him out.  It's funny when something like that happens, it feels like we were in slow motion (Mikki later said it felt like it took her forever to get there even though she was just feet away) yet everything happened so fast.  He was under the water for seconds, yet it felt like forever.  It gave us all a good scare and he stayed out of the water for awhile afterwards.

It's still upsetting just writing about these incidents and yet I know that this will probably not be the last time Nate get hurts or gives me a good scare.  Of course I'm glad he's okay and it just makes me want to love on him a little extra.