Thursday, May 30, 2013

Big Girl Bed

Around March, Maddie climbed out of her crib for the first time. She did a few times but fell out and didn't attempt it again. Until last week.  And now she has the hang of it.  Awesome.

So last weekend we went and got her a big girl bed and some bedding.  She was so excited. Mommy was so sad. Yes, I literally cried. She's been acting like a big girl, but now it's concrete. All that's left is the diapers and she's officially old. (let me be dramatic)

It has been going well in her new bed. She likes it and does really well.  Last night before bed we peeked in her room and she had pulled the changing pad off the table and fell asleep on that.  About 2am she woke up and crawled into her bed. Guess it wasn't that comfortable. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Yesterday I updated my facebook status. I wrote "I am so blessed."  A couple of people thought something big had happened. Really, I just wrote it because the kids and I had a great morning playing out in the sunshine and I just thought, I am SO BLESSED.  I am so blessed to have the opportunity to stay at home while my kids are young. To get cuddles and kisses from them anytime.  To hear their laughter.  To watch them grow and play.  To teach them the things I want them to learn.  To read with them. To dance with them.  Sure I don't get a break from the screams and tantrums.  There's a fair share of messes to clean up and butts to wipe.  It's not always easy but it's always worth it. And yesterday I just stopped and soaked it all in. Blessed.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Nate's Crazy Faces

Oh, my Nate. Where do I start? He's still funny and likes to be funny.  Still.  And now he likes to make funny faces and poses every time I get my camera out.  I think we are going to have a period of time with some crazy-faced Nate pictures! He's wild and full of energy.  Which other moms of boys say the same but I really think he's got extra wildness in that little body!

He is talking more, which is definitely helping.  He is becoming more independent but still likes a lot of help from Mommy and Daddy. 

He's having some rough days.  Not everyday is rough nor is it all day, but he has had some moments which I need a padded room.  His disobedience is terrible because it's a blatant disregard for orders.  And the fit he can throw is lovely to boot.  He also has been getting into things he's not supposed to (the pantry, Mommy's jewelry box, etc.).  He gets Maddie's pacis down from the shelf which is kind of hard to get mad at.  I secretly watch them play and she will go up to him and ask him to get her paci down.  So really he's just being a good big brother; it's just defying me at the same time.
The other day we were playing in his room and I asked him for a hug.  He told me no and so I made a big pouty face.  He looked at me, sighed, and said, "oh fine!" and gave me a hug.

He is a big helper and loves helping me with cleaning, loading the groceries, and cooking.  He has also started helping Maddie (just a side note: almost every time I start to type "Maddie" I type "baby", think it's time to start calling her by her name!) with things.  The other day I found them on the couch with a book, reading.  Too precious!

It has recently hit me that this is my last year with him at home everyday and it's sad to think about when he starts school.  But the awareness is good because I am going to be trying to take in every moment with this guy!


my pretty princess
Maddie is the same age Nate was when she was born (not even really, because she's now 21 months!). I don't know where the time is going, but it is surely going! I'll have to agree with my dear friend that she is no longer a baby-she's really a big girl. 

eating some hot cereal
She's a sassy pants and feisty and I wouldn't change a thing. She loves to have fun and laughs at so much; especially Nate. She's talking like crazy. It's mostly naming items or saying one, sometimes two, words at a time. Her big thing right now is asking "sound?" so every time she hears a noise she asks. We were in the public restroom last week and I was changing her diaper at the changing station.  Someone came in and started tinkling in the toilet and sure enough, Mad's is asking "sound?".  Cracks me up.  She's very independent and has started wanting to dress herself (she is just managing getting her pants on).  She is really getting into playing with her dollies.  She likes to put them in their little bed and she holds them and pats their backs.  She pretends to change their diapers and earlier this week she sat down to change her baby and said, "eww, gross"! She is also the messiest eater on the planet.  This is probably because she eats everything with her hands, even hot cereal. She is now letting me put bows in her hair, which this mama is super excited about!

Oh, and I almost forgot, the title of the post is mayonnaise because when you ask her to say her name, that's how she says it.  It's really so funny and I need to get it on video.