Thursday, August 7, 2014

Nate's First Day of Preschool

Our big boy is off to school! He is going to Pre-K at CCS in the morning for a few hours, five days a week.  It will be such a change not to have him around every morning!

He was super excited for his first day leading up to it, but then on the way to school he kept saying he didn't want to go and wanted me to stay with him.  Although as soon as he got there he went right to the table where Anderson was playing legos and I barely got a good-bye hug! On the way home afterwards he told me all about his big day and the things he learned.  He talked about how they painted his hand and made a hand print on paper, how he had to color boxes with nothing in them (not the ones with animals in them--working on number 0), and sang me the songs he learned.  He was so excited-he told us that he was going to teach us new songs everyday after school.  In his backpack was a welcome treat from his teacher, Mrs. Rogers (who he already knew from church so it's nice he didn't have to get used to a new adult) and the papers he did. It was awesome to see the work he talked about--the hand print and colored boxes.  As hard as it is for me to close the last chapter this new chapter is going to be so much fun!

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